Chapter Ten: A Meadow

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The hospital doors busted open, nurses rushed to the girl being held in the boy's arms.

"Save her! Please.." Finn yelled, not wanting to be separated from Millie. He followed the nurses with the others.

"She has to get better....she has to...." Caleb mumbled to Gaten. Gaten lowered his head, knowing fairytales weren't real.

Sadie rushed to Millie, but was stopped by one of the nurses.
"I need to see her! Let me go!" She yelled, being suffocated by her tears.

"Sadie, Sadie please calm down. Finn is with her. Sadie..." Noah tried to comfort, letting Sadie cry into his chest.

Finn rushed with the nurses, holding Millie's hand as they ran into the surgery room.

"This is as far as you can go, boy." One of the nurses told him. Millie was rushed into the room and he was being held back.

"I can't just sit here and wait! That girl in there, I love her! I can't sit here and wait for her to die!" Finn yelled, his eyes had turned red and the pain in his voice was evident.

The nurse sighed, "You'll be helping her by staying in the   waiting room and letting the doctors do her job." She replied to the heartbroken boy.

Knowing there was nothing he could do but wait, Finn walked into the waiting room with the others.

Gaten's leg was shaking, Caleb had his hands over his head as he closed his eyes. Sadie was crying into Noah's chest as he looked at the floor in a daze. Finn paced around, not wanting to sit down but wanting to be inside the surgery room by Millie.

"In here, Mr. and Mrs. Brown," He heard a nurse say.
Two people walked in, a woman who seemed to be in her fourties, with a large man who also seemed around the same age.

"Nurse, who are these people?" The woman asked

"Those are the kids that bought your daughter here." The nurse explained, stepping out of the room.

The people, who Finn assumed to be Millie's parents  looked around.

"You can all leave now. We don't need your here." She told them. "This is a family matter." Her husband agreed

Finn and the rest could not help but feel infuriated by that comment. "Family?"  They were her family, not them.

"How dare you both call yourselves her family? Or her parents!? You've been gone for so long! You left her for months! You never even called her, not once! You only care about her when she's dying! That's not how family works." Finn shouted at them.

The Brown's stood in shock. "She's our daughter! And we are her parents!" Mrs. Brown yelled

"Are you sure? Cause you haven't been acting like them!" Finn shot back

"Finn, calm down...." Gaten intervened

"No Gaten! If anyone should be leaving, it should be them." Finn said again

The Brown's looked around the room, these kids...they really seemed to care about their daughter.

Mr. Brown looked at his wife "He's right...." He mumbled
"We haven't been the best of parents, we know. But she's still our daughter. We just want her to be safe, even if we don't deserve to be here."

Finn looked at the others, they nodded for approval. "In that case, I'm sorry for lashing out on you both. I love your daughter, and this is killing me too." He let out. They nodded.

All they could do was wait.


They had been sitting for two hours until the nurse came back in.

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