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*Ethan's POV*

»Only my mother can touch them. And me, on the birthdays of our forebodings, to polish the armament with oil of cloves.« I listen carefully.

These things are very interesting and I know they'll be useful. She shows me the oil and lets me smell it. It smells amazing..

We look in each other's eyes until she puts it away..
As she touches something in front of here I realize that there is a little table with some old rolled up parchment on it. She opens them. She knows that I find these things interesting. She knows I want to hear more about it.

»These were drawn after the battle around Osaka's castle.« I don't really know what or who Osaka is.. I know she'll teach me.
She slowly pulls something away that shows another drawing. I analyze it.

Then I tilt my head to the left and pull out another parchment slowly and carefully. »The samurais hand the heads of their enemies out. They expose them.« that sounds so logical. I'm amazed by their culture and how clever she is.

There is a chopped head, with blood on the neck, on the parchment in my hand.

*Your POV*

I can see how interested he is.. how careful he listens and his soft smile.. how he looks at the scrolls.. so I need to keep going.
»There are a few other parchments that will wake your interest..«

*Ethan's POV*

She takes the parchment that I was fixed on out off my hand and looks at me. Her soft voice comforts me in a weird way. I could listen to her all day.

»You are very brave my mother says.. just like your father.« that tells me that they already talked about me. It's not bothering me. I look at the big statue in front of us.

»And like him?« I mean the statue. It's been a while since I talked. It feels weird to talk. I'm more into silence. Silence says so much more than words.
She turns around to me and I turn around to her. Our eyes meet.
I won't look away. She won't look away either.

*Your POV*

He still has this psychopathic smile on his face. It's not scaring me. I like it. He's so handsome and he's turning me on so bad. I know these thoughts are wrong but I can't help myself.

»Teach me.« he says smirking and looking at my lips. I'm amazed by his voice. I wish he would talk more. I look at him with questioning looks. »The swords.« he says and I know what he means...


In the morning we wake up very very early and go to the back to the place where me and my mother always practice.

I teach him how to use and move the sword.
He's already very good. The way he moves it from the right to the left. Then up and down like he slices something.. or someone. I can see the anger in his eyes.. I know exactly why he wants that..

He's filled with so much hate and anger.. he could do anything. There's literally no love.. happiness.. or anything else left in him. He only wants revenge.
I'm impressed by his skills.

»You need to be ready for everything.«
We're practicing how to fight with a sword. I look up at him since I'm still sitting on the ground. »You can't risk, getting caught off guard

He moves the sword towards me but I block him with mine. »Again!« he does it again but I'm too fast. My mother always taught me how to use it. »Again!« my voice comes out very loudly this time. He does it again. »Again!« this time I'm almost screaming... I literally stand up and block him.. but this time.. he blocks me..

Suddenly I realize how close our bodies actually are.. the only things between us right now are the words.. »Good..« I whisper and his smirk makes me weak...
»And now..« I slowly back off.. »Again..«
We keep practicing more and more. Different positions, moves, techniques, etc. He's really good...

I'm amazed by him. I was amazed by him from the first second on I saw him. Even when he's near me, I can't keep myself from thinking about him.. it's crazy and stupid so I need a distraction and fighting with him... is actually.. worse because of the contact we make all the time.

I know he's not thinking the way I am.. because he has one goal and that's revenge. I know exactly what kind of person he is. If he wants something he'll get it and he won't let himself distract of anything.

So I need to stop thinking like that about him. Before I'll get too much into it and my heart broken later. My heart needs to stop thinking as well. What I'm doing is false. Correctly; he's my cousin. That already sounds totally stupid. Although I don't know anything about him. I'm still waiting for him to trust me so he can give me answers to all the questions that I had over all these years. I'm just too curious. It's like history. It is history.

»Y/N! Hannibal!« my mother's voice reaches our ears within the noice of our swords. We both freeze and look into the direction where it's coming from.


We are at a marketplace... she took us with her in case we would need something. Going out feels weird.. I don't go out that much.. especially not after my fathers death.
We're like fresh, raw meat for hungry lions... well.. calling these awful people lions (such royal animals) is a shame.

Mother walks in front of us.. I walk next to Ethan... he's so tall.. I look up at him and bite my lip. And so handsome... instead of looking forwards, I'm looking at him and I'm not even afraid of tripping over something.. I just can't stop looking at him.. he's so good looking from that angle..

Suddenly he turns around and looks down at me. I look away so fast that I could've broke my neck. I swallowed with the hope that he didn't notice... as I feel him looking away again, I look at him again.
He's smirking...
Of course he noticed it..

*Ethan's POV*

I bite my lower lip.. of course I know that she keeps staring at me. I'm only asking myself if she's doing that because I have something in my face, because I'm interesting or because I'm handsome in her eyes. I won't ask her..


*Your POV*

My mother starts looking for some lettuce..
Me and Ethan walk around looking at what they have here. They're selling almost everything you need. Cheese, vegetables, fruits, meat, herbs, homemade juices and other stuff that's material and edible.

While my mother is bothered with the lettuce we walk over to the man who's selling cheese... I can also see the butcher.. I hate him. Actually he's one of the reasons why I don't like coming here.. he's really disgusting and disrespectful against other people... he has long, dirty hair, bloody hands, he's smelling very bad and he's extremely dirty. We never buy our meat from him.

»Why...?« I look at Ethan as he starts to talk.. he picks up a slice of cheese with holes and lifts it up so he looks through one of the holes in it. That makes me laugh. That means he can also be very funny.. a little smile escapes his lips.. I can feel that it's coming from inside..
I smile back.

Then I hear my mother. She's on the other side telling me to come over so I can help her. That means I have to walk past the butcher..
»I'll be right back..« I tell Ethan and start walking. It's a small place.. he'll see me and I'll see him. No walls between us.. only the butcher and his meat.

»Hey split eye...« the butcher says quietly.. he's saying this because he knows I'm half Asian.. I try to not mind him and keep going... »Hey split eye..« he says louder. I look at him and also see how Ethan turns also around.

*Ethan's POV*

I can see... that he is bothering her... I swear one word and he's down.

*Your POV*

As I almost walk past him he says »Tell me the truth, does your pussy goes crossway
What he says disgusts me and kinda scares me.. I can see Ethan's furious look and how he walks towards me but as if that wouldn't be enough.. I feel the butcher smacking my butt...

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