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*Your POV*

It's early in the morning. I yawn and get out of my bed with the oversized shirt of mine. The only thing I'm wearing under it is my underwear. Sleeping like this is very comfortable. Although I couldn't really sleep. I couldn't stop thinking about Ethan.

All I want to do right now is run down the stairs and hug him... the thing between us is weird but I love it... I feel so safe with him. It feels like nothing can happen to me as long as I'm with him.

Although I don't really know him for so long and although he killed someone because of me, it feels good to be around him. I also know that we both don't need to know each other to get along.

He may act cold and blocks me out but I know he wants it too. I know he doesn't want to hurt me but he also needs to know that he won't.

He just entered my life and I realized that I actually needed him the most. I needed someone like him in my life and now I'm complete. I won't let I'm leave.

So I slowly walk down with silly steps, scratching my eyes since I'm still very tired. Hopefully I'll be able to take a nap later. As long as mother won't force me to any housework...

Today feely weird. Like the house is empty. Okay it's too big for all of us and its always quiet and empty but not like that.. it's too quiet.

As I walk into the kitchen first, I can't see my mom so I think she may be still sleeping. What I can understand. So I walk straight to the salon and stop immediately as I see Ethan sitting on the big table with some books, notebooks and a pen.

He looks so peaceful.. like nothing happened. I wish nothing happened. I wish he never killed anyone because of me and I wish I didn't have to do, what I did yesterday, but it was all for him. I hold onto the end of my shirt and try to look everywhere except at him but it won't work. The way he's holding the pen... he's so concentrated. He's so fine but he knows that I'm watching him. He knows that I'm here. I get goosebumps out of nowhere.

»Good morning my love.« I try to show off how nervous I am. I don't even know why I'm nervous. he stands up and looks at me. »Good morning.. where is-..« I was planning on asking about my mother until he decided to interrupt me »Isn't it too cold to walk around like that?« he asks smirking looking down at me.

Well he's right. Its really cold. Too cold to walk around like that but I'm not really cold. Actually I feel comfortable like this. So I look down at myself and hold onto the bottom of my shirt.

»She's taking a walk.« as he says that I look up at him again. It makes sense. She likes to take walks in the morning. She often tried to force me to come with her because she thought I just needed to get out a little bit and move but I never really wanted that.

I'm kinda lazy. I'm not that sporty type. I'm trapped in books and other stuff. This mansion is my world and I'm not ready for the outside world yet. I feel unsafe and uncomfortable when I leave the house. It always feels like something is going to happen.

So I slowly nod my head. I'm trying to not look into his eyes because I know I'll fall deeper when I do that... I know he knows what I did yesterday but I don't know what he's thinking about that.

Last night I took the head of the butcher and drove to the police station with my mothers motorcycle and put it there so they would see it's not his fault and he didn't do anything. Although he did, I just needed to help him somehow. I couldn't sit here and wait for him to get judged or come back home with police. It was the best thing I could do and honesty it feels so much better to have that head out of here. I feel more safe now and I'm glad I did that.

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