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*Your POV*

I wake up and the first thing I see is him. He's still sleeping. I guess he was tired last night was well. Of course this all is not easy for him as well. He has many responsibilities and although my mother tries to handle everything, sometimes we just need a man.

I slowly place a kiss on his lips and stand up. I put my uniform on that mother cleaned yesterday. I'm tired as well but I get ready and this time I really try to look better than yesterday. I shouldn't put myself down.

When I get back in my room I see he's already sitting on my bed and yawning. He scratches his eyes and then looks at me. I smile. He stands up and gets ready as well. I hate how separate we sometimes have to be.

I wish we could get ready together. I wish we could sleep together. I'm afraid of what my mother would think.. otherwise I wouldn't even spend a second without him. I would probably stick on him. But my respect for her is too big and it would be weird.

She would yell at me and give me a moral lecture about how it's not okay that I feel some kind of weird attraction and lust towards him that I can't stop.. no.. she would kill me. Him probably as well but I just don't know..

I think that we keep it like a secret but at the same time not, makes this all even better. Everything was fine and normal until now. From now on I need to handle better and make this all a little bit more interesting and different. This between us need to get hotter and steamier. I just want to be as close to him as I can.

So we leave and drive to school. During the drive I think about how I can stop him. I don't him to even walk into our school. I don't want him to talk to anybody. As we arrive he gets off the car immediately and I do that too because he's too fast. I need to stop him.

»Ethan!« I say trying to smile. He looks at me and raises a brow. I swallow and look at him. »If you're trying to stop me, don't you dare because I'll fine these girls.« I feel my heart racing. »Just listen to me..« I say holding onto his arm like I'm afraid that he's going to run away or something.

»Don't.. just don't talk to anybody please.. I'll handle that bu-..« he interrupts me. »No you won't.
»But.. If something like this happens again... I won't stop you.« I look straight into his eyes and I can see he knows I'm serious and he's thinking about it.

I pray that he'll just forget it. He bites his inner cheek and looks around with his eyebrow still raised. »Alright.« he says quickly and takes deep breathes. »But.. now you have to do me a favor as well..« the soft smirk in his face tells me that this is going somewhere...

I clench my jaw.. »What favor..?« I ask with a shaking voice. This is such a stupid question.. I know.. »And of course I didn't forget ‚you'll get more later'.« my jaw drops. »Ethan you already got more! Isn't that enough?« I ask and he licks his lips and shakes his head.

»No that's not enough.« he says with a deep voice. I laugh through my nose and just as I want to say something I see the girls from my class sitting on a bench and watching us.

How in the world didn't I notice them. Since when are they sitting there? I feel uncomfortable knowing that they've been watching us the whole time. Why are they even here at tis time? It's too cold and it's too early...

*Ethan's POV*

I can see her looking past me.. she looks worried and angry with her furrowed eyebrows. I turn around with the hope to see that Grayson so I can break his nose and beat the hell out of him. As I turn around I see a few girls.. two sitting on a bench and two standing..

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