New Guard

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After finishing signing all of the papers, Skylyn quickly headed to the thrown room where his father would be. As she entered the room she saw her father sitting on his thrown. "You called me, father" she addressed formally.

"Yes" The King, Skyler, spoke as he stood up from his seat. "You may be wondering why I called you here on such a short notice." Walks towards her with his arms behind his back.

"Indeed" Skylyn answered.

"Well, since this whole ordeal with the 'Cold War' is coming up, I decided it would be best if I'd assigned you a new guard." "Not saying that you weren't able to defend yourself."

{Again with this...} Skylyn sighs accepting the fact. "Fine. I'll get a guard."

"Jenn" The King called abruptly. Just like that Jenn teleported to the thrown room. "Yes, your Majesty." He said bowing his head down. "Lead her there" He turns around and then stops. "You'll know where to go right?" The King questions. Jenn mutters a quick but audible "Yes".

The King walks up to his thrown. "Okay now" then sits on it and continues. "You're dismissed."

Skylyn quickly looks at Jenn as she follows him outside the thrown room. When they got out Skylyn spoke. "So where's the new guard supposed to be?"

"He should be outside just where I left 'em" Jenn spoke carelessly. "Alright- Wait he's a guy!" Skylyn spoke, clearly surprised to know that her 'soon to be guard' was going to be a guy.

"Yeah and a hottie at that" looks back at her while still floating towards the exit. "Ya' sure hit the jackpot" laughs teasingly. "Oh, shut up." Skylyn laughs messing up his hair.

"Hey!" Trying to fix his hair he was cut off by bumping into the door. "Oh. We're here." Turns around and opens the door using his magic.

Getting out of the castle halls into the main garden she saw a silhouette of a man. "Is that him?" Skylyn said curiously.

"You bet he is. His name is Blake. Apparently he was previously a guard from another kingdom." Jenn informs her. Getting a bit close to her he whispers "Be nice to him now." As he smirks.

Skylyn chuckles then walks over to the guy and gently taps his shoulder.

He jumps back a bit and quickly turns around. Seeing who it was he stopped.
"Princess Skylyn" embarrassed that she surprised him, he went on to introduce himself. "My name is Blake Zeref" bows down and continues. "It's a pleasure to finally meet you."

Skylyn giggles at this and introduces herself as well. "It's a pleasure to meet you too, Blake." Smiles politely.

Blake was going to speak up when suddenly... Jenn started cheering in the background holding flags that say 'Go Skylyn'.

"Uh... Who may that be?" Blake asked nervously.

With her summoning magic, Skylyn summons a sword and cuts the flag in half.  "That's just Jenn and his stupid things" blushes out of embarrassment. "Oh. Sure" Blake says plainly.

After calming down a bit and then thinking Skylyn spoke. "Hmm. Feels like I'm forgetting something." Looks at Jenn. "Jenn what's my schedule."

Jenn lazily floats up next to them. "I believe you have sword practice, Princess Skylyn" emphasizing 'Princess' moking what Blake said.

"Perfect. I'll go get changed then." Before parting she looks at Blake and smiles. "You're gonna be fighting me" smirks and leaves to her room.

-At the training grounds-

"So, Blake, do you want a normal fight or a magic fight?" Skylyn askes curious.

"Whatever best suits your interest your Majesty" he answered.

"A magic fight it is." Skylyn summons a black sword and makes the first attack.

Blake crystalizes his body before the impact and brakes her sword. "You're going to have to do better than that, Princess." Moves aside taking out his sword, crystalizes it and attacks.

Surprised, Skylyn summons another sword. "I've never seen that kind of magic before."

"I dont use it much but since you insisted on a magic fight" runs at her. "I couldn't help myself".

-From Caro and Jenn's point of view-

"I ship them!" Caro swayed her tail from side to side from excitement. Sparkles surrounding her.

"I know!" Turns around to look at Caro and shakes her. "And they've only known eachother for an hour!" Jenn exclaimed excited as well.

"They're a match made in heaven!" Caro squeals.

"Oh- The King is calling. Wait a sec." Jenn said and then dissapeared leaving Caro to fangirl on her own.

-Le Time Skipu-

Skylyn falls on her butt breathing heavily. "I'm done. I'm out of magic."

Blake uncrystalyzes himself. "That was a good match." He offers her a hand so she could stand up. She takes it and thanks him. "Maybe I shouldn't have fused all those sword together."

Blake chuckles. "And maybe I shouldn't have been crystallized throughout the whole fight."

"Nah, it's fine. That just means that I have to train harder to beat you" she says and giggles.

"By all means" he chuckles. He adverts his gaze to outside the training grounds. "Its getting quite dark huh".

"Yeah. I should probably be heading back now." Skylyn says disappointed but then she had an idea. "Let's have dinner at the castle, my treat."

Taken aback by the request Blake answers politely. "I think that would be out of place me having dinner with royalty. I thank you for the offer and for think about me though."

"It's okay silly. You'll only be having dinner with me. My parents probably had dinner already and if thats not the case we can always eat at the library." Smiles "So, What do you say?"

Blake was going to speak but again, for the second time, got interrupted.

"I got news!" Jenn appears out of no where. "Am I interrupting something?" Looks at both of them.

"Kinda. What is it?" Skylyn asks.

"In a few weeks there is going to be a reunion with all the kingdoms discussing the Cold War. I don't have a specific date nor what's it going to be about but, I gathered some intel and it's probably going to be about who wants peace and who wants to go to war. A really important meeting." Jenn states.

"It does sound serious. But we still got some time to think about that later." Thinks for a bit and looks at Jenn. "Jenn, I need you to make dinner for me and Blake. We'll be eating in the library."

"Uh- Sure. Better get to it then." Winks at them. "See ya" Teleports back to the castle.

"We better get going as well." Smiles at him and starts walking.

"Ah- Sure. I'll escort you there." Walks up to her. Walks just a bit infront of her just in case.

They keep walking up to the library.

Word Count: 1140

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