A Great Birthday Party

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"Mommy! Come over here!" I called, motioning to mommy so she can open presents with me. We were just about to open presents that people got me for my birthday. I am so excited! Presents are always my favorite part of birthdays.

"Hold on sweetie," mommy said, sitting beside aunt Jesse. "Aunt Jesse wants to tell me something that is really important."

"Okay mommy," I replied back, turning around just in time to see daddy walking up to me.

"How you doing Jess?" He asked, putting an arm around her.

"Alright daddy," I say, giving him a big hug. "I just want mommy to come here so she can help me unwrap presents!"

"She will be over in a minute sweetie, just give her some time with Jesse," daddy says, and I sighed and nodded.

"Okay let's open some presents!" Mommy says, coming up behind me and daddy and surprising both of us.

"Yeah!" I cry, already starting to grab a present. It was from Aunt Jesse! I love it when I get something from her! She always gives me something that I keep forever. I eagerly open the box that held my present, and I gasped. It was a small pig plushie! It has a name on it too! I read the name Rueben.

"Aw Aunt Jesse!" I cried, hugging her. "Did you get me this because you wanted me to have Rueben's spirit with me wherever I go?"

"Yes Jessica," Jesse says, looking at me. "I thought that since we were gonna tell you today, I would give you something that you would always have with you. I want you to have him with you wherever you go. Don't try to loose it."

"I won't Aunt Jesse," I promised, grabbing the next present. It is from Uncle Axel! I always love his gifts! He gives the best gifts in the world no joke. Mommy says that the gifts that he gives isn't the best, but to me they are.

"Omg!" I cried, unwrapping the present. A mini TNT plushie! I've been asking for this for a long time! For my birthday I asked for people to get me something that represents who they are in the Order of the Stone. Axel is like Magnus, the Rouge. Aunt Olivia is like Ellegaard, the red stone engineer. Aunt Jesse is like Soren, the leader. Mommy is like Gabriel, the Warrior. Daddy is like Ivor, the "forgotten" member. I hate to classify him as that, but that's the only member who was left. Plus, Aunt Jesse said that Lukas was like Ivor in some way.

"Thank you Uncle Axel!" I screamed as I attacked him into a hug. "Just what I wanted!"

"You are welcome Jessica," he replied back, giving back the hug. "Just like you said you wanted. Now get on with the presents so we can party some more!"

"Ooo, this one is from Aunt Olivia!" I said, looking at the red wrapping paper that covered my present. I look over at her to see her smiling widely. What did she get me this year that is making her smile so big? I am about to find out. I unwrapped the present and gasped. It was a mini set of red stone stuff! And they are plushies! Just like I asked her to get me!

"Thank you Aunt Olivia!" I squealed, squeezing her into a hug. "I can pretend that I am doing red stone stuff with these things now! I can't wait till I'm old enough to deal with them!"

"Haha you're welcome Jess," she said. "I thought you would like something to "practice" with until your mom and dad decide that you can get red stone things."

I smiled as I went on to the next present. It's from both mommy and daddy! I always looked forward to the presents that they give me. They always have the best ones out of all of them. I quickly unwrapped the present and I was awestruck at what I saw. It was a diamond sword plushie and a Order of the Stone amulet plushie! I always wanted one of those so me and my friends can pretend to be like them. Now that I have a pig plushie as well, we can pretend that he is with me and my friends like he was with mommy, daddy, and my aunts and uncle.

I thanked mommy and daddy for the presents and I went on to the last one. It was from Aunt Juliana and Aunt Feona. They said that it isn't that represents them, they thought that I would like it otherwise. I was really excited about this one because I love both of them so much! I opened the present and I am flabbergasted and what I saw. It was a build-a-bear that I dreamed about since I was 2! I described it to them, but I never thought that they would go and make it for me for my birthday! I thanked them for it and gave them a big hug.

After mommy and daddy got all the presents away, daddy brought out the cake and started singing happy birthday. Everyone joined in and I enjoyed it. I had my wish in my head and when they were done, I blew them out. I hope that my wish comes true soon!

"Jessica, did you have a great birthday party?" Mommy asked me as we went out of the temple and went back home.

"Yes I did mommy," I replied back smiling. It was the best!

Hey guys! Sorry I haven't uploaded in a while. School started back this week, so I've been busy this week with that. I might have to post on just weekends because of school. Anyway, I am actually in school while typing this. We weren't really doing anything in a class, so I thought that I would update this story. Thanks and always remember to celebrate life! :)

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