10 Facts About Me

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Hey guys! So IcaneC tagged me after I tagged her in my recent part to do 10 facts about me. So here they are! And don't worry IcaneC you don't have to do it again!

1. My real name is Rachael
2. My birthday is April 15, 2001 (16 years old, almost 17)
3. I will listen to anything but rap music!
4. My favorite book series is Seekers by Erin Hunter
5. My favorite song is This Is Home by Bryan Lanning
6. My favorite band is R5
7. My BFF is kensss_82301_
8. I've been writing plays, books, etc all my life
9. Fun With Hannah (a book I used to have on here) is my original work that I just copied from the word document that it is on.
10. I'm a singer songwriter

Thanks guys for reading! Hope you learned a lot about me! I took pleasure in doing this! And thanks IcaneC for tagging me to do it! Thanks and celebrate life! :)

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