16: i'm in love now / 2seok

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OVERVIEW seokjin loves coming home.

LAYLIST kiss me / ed sheeran, give me love / ed sheeran

SEOKJIN ADORED coming home.

he may have worked hard at his job all day, slaving over paperwork and enduring awkward coworker conversations, but the best part of his day was when he walked up the stairs to his small apartment, kicked off his shoes, and went to have dinner with the love of his life. there would be takeout on the coffee table, an episode of the show they were watching together ready to play on netflix, and there would be hoseok's warm, loving arms ready for seokjin to collapse into.

"seokie, baby, i'm home!" he called from the entrance to the apartment, shrugging off his suit jacket and unlacing his converse, his briefcase leaning against the wall. hoseok emerged from their bedroom, rubbing his eyes and yawning, a smile on his face.

"sorry, sunshine, did i wake you?" seokjin asked, a look of concern on his handsome face. hoseok shook his head.

"i was gonna get up anyways, love," he replied in his lovely sleepy voice, walking over to seokjin and engulfing him in a warm hug, before kissing him softly. seokjin loved coming home for this exact reason.

"dinner's in the oven," hoseok smiled, loosening seokjin's tie. the two walked to the kitchen, hoseok crouching down to open the oven and remove their food. "how was work?"

seokjin shrugged, mouth watering at the delicious scent coming from the dish hoseok was holding with careful hands. "same as always. what did you make? it smells amazing!"

"ah, it's nothing," hoseok blushed, placing it down on the counter. "nothing compared to what you can do, sweetheart."

"don't put yourself down," seokjin teased, leaning forward to peck hoseok's lips once, twice, thrice. "what is it?"

"some italian dish, it's baked gnocchi i think?" the red head smiled, opening the pan up and letting a lovely scent flood the kitchen. "it has sun-dried tomatoes and loads of basil."

"it looks fantastic!" seokjin complimented, peeking over his boyfriend's shoulder. "i'm gonna go change, babe. load up the walking dead for us?"

"will do honey," hoseok kissed seokjin quickly, before standing on his tiptoes to reach the cabinets. "oh, namjoonie called today! he wants to meet up sometime next wednesday!"

"i'll get back to him on that!" seokjin called from the hallway, heading towards their lovely decorated bedroom. the walls were a soft blue, and the bedsheets were cream and grey, seokjin's side characteristically minimalistic, and hoseok's bedside table cluttered with plants and books and little trinkets. seokjin pulled off his work clothes, glad to be rid of his uncomfortable suit and tie, and changed into one of hoseok's loose dance hoodies and a pair of grey sweats.

hoseok was cuddled up on the sofa in a large rose-patterned sweater, two steaming dishes of gnocchi placed in front of him on the table, and the thumbnail for the new walking dead series loading on the tv. seokjin sat down beside him, head resting on hoseok's shoulder as he yawned.

"long day?" hoseok asked softly, a hand resting on seokjin's hip affectionately, his thumb sliding up under seokjin's shirt to caress his skin. seokjin sighed gently.

"i'm so tired," he yawned, snuggling up with hobi as the younger played the show, placing the bowl of food in his boyfriend's lap. "i'm gonna take the day off tomorrow, baby. i've worked too hard the past week, and i gotta spend more time with you."

"don't neglect your work for me!" hoseok shook his head, shoving a piece of gnocchi in his mouth. "it's fine, jinnie, i love you no matter what."

"yeah, but i wanna take you out tomorrow," seokjin countered, punctuating his sentence by eating a forkful of the delicious food hoseok had made, moaning at the taste. "babe," he groaned, voice muffled by the food in his mouth. he swallowed, smacking his lips appreciatively. "babe. this is the best thing i've ever eaten."

hoseok blushed pink, swatting at seokjin's arm playfully. "don't joke!" he pouted, eyes big and wide. seokjin shook his head, eyes sparkling as he grinned.

"i'm serious! you're giving me a run for my money with this!" seokjin leaned over and pecked hoseok's plump lips, smiling all the way. "have you been taking secret cooking lessons or something?"

the two barely paid attention to the show that was playing, and hoseok paused it, not wanting to miss anything. he wiggled his eyebrows, laughing.

"i've been watching the food network and gordon ramsey on youtube, so i guess you could say that," he grinned. seokjin laughed out loud, an arm curling around hoseok as they eventually quieted down. the show played quietly on the screen in front of them, and they ate with gusto - hoseok's cooking really was amazing.

eh i'd make this longer but i just wanted to write 2seok or as i like to call them, my dads

hope u enjoyed ! love u

- jace

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