27: rewrite the stars / minjoon

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( part 2 )

OVERVIEW "you know i want you, it's not a secret i try to hide" ( just a warning, the slur p*key - commonly used against romany gypsy's and people from the circus - is used in here ! )

JIMIN GRINNED TRIUMPHANTLY as he wiped off the greasepaint plastered on his face, hearing jeongguk laugh victoriously. the three had quickly piled into their caravan after the show, the air sticky with sweat and the smell of greasepaint, and the atmosphere still the thriving energy of the ring.

"you did amazing!" taehyung clapped a hand down on his older brother's shoulder, boxy grin on full display. "you almost flew, hyung! the audience thought you were going to fall."

"i don't plan on doing that just yet, tae," jimin grinned, unbuttoning his white flimsy shirt and changing it for a white vest top. "there was this one man in the audience that i recognised, although i can't say from where..."

"it was kim namjoon!" minghao barged into the trailer of the five acrobats, not bothering to knock or even give warning he was coming in. jimin jumped at the lanky chinese boy, swatting at him with his shirt. "what are you on about, ming?" he asked, rolling his eyes.

"kim namjoon was watching! and his twin sister, jisoo! we saw them at the café yesterday, pabo, you must know who i mean." minghao persisted, and jimin remembered minghao's rambling about the aristocratic boy the day before.

"wait, the kim twins?" jeongguk asked, changing into loose trousers and running a hand through his hair. minghao nodded. "oh, they're geniuses, right? the brother is the youngest person to go to oxford, and one of the first asian students there, i think?"

"that's him alright," junhui swung down from the hammock he was lying in, giving taehyung such a fright that he screamed loudly, jumping nearly a foot in the air. "sorry taehyung. but yes, that's him, minghao is right."

"i've literally never heard of him," taehyung scoffed, a hand running through his silver hair as he collapsed into his hammock, the fabric swinging gently. "but if he was staring at jimin..." he made a suggestive face, causing jimin to throw a small cushion at his head, the oldest park brother sitting heavily on their little sofa.

the acrobats' caravan was rather simple, yet cosy; it had belonged to the brother's parents before their parents bought a new one. the ceiling was patterned with constellations and star charts that their mother had painted carefully, while heavily pregnant with her eldest son, standing on a stool and singing the traditional songs taught to her by her parents. there were five hammocks, two hung higher than the others - those were junhui and minghao's - with a large sofa made out of tattered mattresses underneath - in case any of them fell out. a dressing table with a large mirror, along another small sofa, covered in overused cushions and drapes and a wardrobe completed their cabin, with a small burner nestled into the corner, nearly always lit.

"if he was staring at me it means nothing," jimin said, thanking jeongguk as he was passed an apple from the fruit bowl. "and besides," he took a bite from the apple, mouth full and spitting juice as he spoke. "how many other men like me do you know? homosexual freaks, as others call us. ha!" jimin spat out a terribly sarcastic laugh. "homosexual pikey freaks, aren't we?"

jeongguk shook his head. "don't say things like that, hyung," the youngest sat in his hammock, feet rocking him back and forth. "don't put us down. we're loved by every spectator. they don't see us as pikeys, and they don't know that most of us are homosexuals anyway."

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