OVERVIEW nap time with seokjin is heaven in jimin's head ( fluffy as heck, cg/lb w/ little!jimin 💘 )∆
JIMIN HUMMED QUIETLY as he coloured in one of his new colouring books. occasionally he'd glance up either at the cartoon playing or to look at his teddy bear, to make sure he was still there, a soft, daydreaming smile on his face.
the pink haired boy was contentedly sat on the deep vermilion couch in his living room, long socks hugging his legs and a huge grey hoodie - one of seokjin's - hanging off his frame. for once, there wasn't a pacifier in jimin's mouth, instead replaced with one of the lollipops seokjin let him have on fridays - of course, only if he was a good boy - which tasted of blueberry.
"why haven't you coloured anything, mr. moko?" jimin asked his fluffy grey bear, who was looking a little worse for wear. of course, jimin owned other stuffed toys - twelve in total - but mr. moko, with his one eye missing and his arm that seokjin had stitched back on, he was special. jimin grabbed the soft toy and sat him on his lap, before tidying up his colouring pencils and making sure the living room was moderately tidy. seokjin liked him to be neat, and if jimin was good it meant treats at the weekend, and treats were one of jimin's favourite things.
"daddy's gon' be home soon, moko-moko," jimin spoke to the bear, tugging his fluffy yellow blanket around his shoulders and fiddling with the bear's paws. "just a bit more. it's the weekend tomorrow, 'n daddy can take jiminie out." he smiled at the thought of that, nestling into his blanket and pulling the strings of his hoodie so the fabric nestled his face, tying them under his chin. doing that made him feel extra small, and he liked that a lot.
jimin giggled cheerfully at the cartoon, mr. moko clutched to his chest. the lollipop was just a sliver of sugar on a stick by then, jimin's tongue tainted blue, and he placed the empty stick on the table, snuggling back into his blanket. he subconsciously suckled on his thumb, a bad habit that seokjin was trying to coach him out of, while his eyes threatened to close out of slight drowsiness.
all thoughts of sleep were abandoned, however, when jimin heard the door of the apartment open with a creak, and then seokjin's soft voice calling out. "i'm home!" the older man said, and jimin stood up so fast he almost slipped due to the socks he wore, running in an almost comical way to the front hall.
seokjin chuckled softly as jimin flung his arms around his waist, the little nuzzling his head into seokjin's jumper. the older man worked a nine to five regime at a production firm, and jimin always missed him terribly, so when he came home jimin was so cheerful that seokjin didn't feel bad about it. seokjin stroked the top of jimin's head, placing a kiss upon his pink mop of hair and smiling.
"hey sweetheart," he smiled, jimin beaming up at him with whole galaxies in his dark eyes. "how's my baby doing?"
jimin smiled brightly, face scrunched up, his lips ever so slightly tinged blue. "'m good, daddy. was watchin' cartoons n' colouring."
seokjin smiled again, leaning down to carefully place a kiss upon jimin's lips. the smaller boy smiled and kissed back, loving how soft and sweet the kiss was, seokjin's hands resting on his hips and jimin's arms still around his daddy's waist.
"i love you baby," seokjin hummed as he pulled away, soft lips tainted with the blueberry taste of jimin's sweet. "daddy's gotta go change, m'kay sweetie?"
jimin nodded like a bobblehead, trailing behind seokjin toward their bedroom. he watched as seokjin changed into comfy clothes, and then, without warning, seokjin picked him up and spun him around, romance-movie style. jimin squealed in delight, clinging on tightly to seokjin's biceps and laughing like an angel. seokjin pressed his forehead to jimin's with a smile, peppering kisses onto the little's face.

Фанфикyou have my world, you're my small universe. [bts oneshots / © 2017]