44: heard it on the radio / namgguk

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( part 1 )

OVERVIEW jeongguk's quite in love with an anonymous radio host.

JEONGGUK WAS SERIOUSLY considering throwing himself out of a window. he just couldn't think of fucking anything to write for his essay, and when you're a few months away from finishing university, that was a colossal fuck-no. he stared at the cup of coffee- now refilled a total of seven times- on his desk, before swearing softly and leaning back until he fell to his bed.

"fuck this," he mumbled, reaching for his phone. it had been playing soft ambient noises for the past two hours, lots of watery and wind-chimey noises. but jeongguk wanted a change of pace from his slow study playlist. with quick, millennial-speed fingers, he found his live audio broadcast app, going to the channel he loved the most; moonlit hours station.

"—these are the last blues we're ever gonna have, let's see how deep we get. the glow of the cities, below lead us back, to the places that we never should have left. these are the last blues." jeongguk grinned at the last couple notes of a song, before the hosts' irresistibly soothing voice began to speak. jeongguk felt warm and cosy as he smuggled up in a huge hoodie, listening with a content smile.

"that was, of course, bishop's knife trick by fall out boy," kim — or rm as he usually called himself — said, an obvious smile evident in his voice. he sounded slightly tired, but jeongguk knew the man was an insomniac. "how are you all? i hope you're all planning on getting at least some sleep," a soft chuckle left him. "of course, it's exam season, so i know a lot of students, like my fellow host the8, will be studying late. good luck you guys."

jeongguk honestly adored kim's radio show. he'd been listening since three months after it started, and had quickly loved the host's music taste, voice, sense of humour... hell, just about anything. rm's music taste was amazing, ranging from the stereotypical kpop everyone listened to, to more urban, indie artists jeongguk quickly added to his spotify and soundcloud. the nineteen year old was maybe a bit smitten. he'd never seen rm's face, but he assumed he was rather soft, wearing oversized jumpers and cute designs. older than jeongguk, definitely.

"now, here's something for all you students who need to focus," rm laughed, the first notes of a song audible from jeongguk's phone. "she lays down, by my personal favourite, the 1975."

jeongguk closed his eyes, bathed in the glow of his rainbow fairylights and moonlight streaming in through the window. the song was peaceful, and made jeongguk feel sleepy; he had work in the morning, so it was probably best he abandoned the essay, unless he wanted to be serving baked goods whilst asleep.

"...and she just wants to feel something, and i don't think that's asking for too much..."

jeongguk exhaled with a smile, before burrowing under his duvet, plugging in his phone and letting the radio continue playing. it wouldn't be the first time rm's baritone voice had lulled him to sleep.

it was with sleep dust still in his eyes that jeongguk ran to sweet heart, rm's rough beats spotify playlist playing loudly in his ears. he wasn't late, thank fuck, else seokjin would've beat his ass. as some funky remix of a luhan song played, jeongguk leapt over a fire hydrant, before barreling straight into the door of the bakery he worked at, a smile on his face. his hair was curly as it poked out from under his beanie, and although he was grappling with tiredness the way you'd grapple with soap in a bathtub, he managed to look cheerful, stylish, and suave.

"morning hyungs!" he called to the store's owners, yoongi and seokjin, the older of the two smiling at him. jeongguk's headphones remained in as he changed into his apron, but he took them out as he walked to the register, ready for a long, boring day of work. resting his palm on his chin, he hummed along to the popular song playing on the radio, staring out of the window.

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