75: bad day / taeminguk

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OVERVIEW some short angsty fluff ( o k a y so jeongguk is a trans boy in this & ALSO he's autistic uwu i think he's CUTE )

JEONGGUK IS, to put it simply, really fucking done. when he gets home, he chucks his backpack to the floor and flees to the bathroom, unlacing his docs and throwing them to the corridor, hoodie and shorts joining the trail of clothing he leaves behind him. taehyung, who's snacking from a bag of gummy bears with all the green and white ones removed by jimin, asks him if he's alright, but it's background noise as the youngest slams the door to the bathroom.

"is that guk?" jimin pokes his head out of their home studio, where he's been editing his recent short film. taehyung nods, placing the gummy bears on the table. "what's up with him? he seems... angsty."

"is it shark week yet?" taehyung turns to check the calendar on the kitchen wall, and sees that jeongguk is in fact due for his time of the month, so to speak, tomorrow. "must've come early... you know how shit that makes him feel."

"poor baby." jimin says, lips jutting out.

jeongguk, meanwhile, sits in the shower with nothing but his binder and bloody boxers on, hating everything as the hot water streams down on his body. he wants to rip his hair out, the blood continuing to flow from his lower half and mingling with the water going down the drain. his chest heaves as sobs wrack his body, head tucked to his chest and heart thumping, choking on his own tears. he just wants to go on t, that's all he wants, but he and his boyfriends just can't afford it right now.

"jeonggukie? baby?" taehyung knocks gently on the door with one knuckle, his deep tone a soothing balm to jeongguk's chaotic mind. "baby boy, come on out. let hyung's take care of you."

jimin and taehyung both know that living with jeongguk wasn't going to be the regular gay experience. for one, there's three of them, and for two, jeongguk's not your regular gay guy. but him being trans was never an issue for jimin and taehyung; it just meant that jeongguk faces a few difficulties that jimin and taehyung don't, and that they have to help him through these difficulties, and they do so happily. they adore jeongguk, and would do anything for him.

"jeongguk, i'm coming in, honey," jimin says, soft yet assertive, giving jeongguk no choice to say no. he pushes the door open, flicking silver hair away from his eyes, which then fall on jeongguk's frail, soaked form. "baby... oh, what are you doing?"

jeongguk whimpers, shivering, looking up at his boyfriend sadly. jimin gets over to him quickly, turning the shower off and wrapping his arms around jeongguk, not caring that he's getting soaked. "gukie, it's alright. tae?"

"yeah?" taehyung says from the door, his blonde hair messily tied into a small bun.

"can you get guk some dry clothes, and shark week stuff? painkillers, pads — wait, do you want pads or tampons?"

jeongguk holds up two fingers, meaning the second option, having gone nonverbal in his sad state. "oh, and his necklace, alright tae?" jimin adds. taehyung smiles and nods.

"sure. be right back."

"alright, c'mon babe, let's get you dry," jimin helps jeongguk stand up, grabbing a large, soft grey towel from the rack and wrapping it over jeongguk's shivering shoulders. the youngest pulls jimin into a hug, wanting nothing more than his boyfriends, a hot water bottle and chocolate right now, and jimin returns the affection, pressing a kiss to jeongguk's wet neck. "it's okay, jeonggukie. hyung's have got you. you need to get these clothes off, okay love?"

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