Finding the perfect shade foundation

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Lot's of people find it hard to pick a foundation to fit there skin color perfectly .The questions we all ask our selves are ,is this shade to dark?is this shade to light? and does this foundation look natural?Well we all wonder these things but that's where I come in, I'm here to provide you with a few tricks and answers to figuring out the the perfect shade Foundation .

Tip1: Find a store that has testers of your type of Foundation,  so you can test it on the skin that's close to your  faces skin color. (I don't recommend putting it directly on your face because usually there can be a lot of people who  have also tested them causing a lot of germs and bacteria  to be on there.Unless they give you individual tester then fill free to do so.)

Tip2: Try to stay away from shades lighter and darker from your original skin color because not only does it not look natural, it will actually show that you have two different skin tones from looking at your neck then your face.

Tip3: It's best if you can find some natural lighting instead of being in a place where there's dim lights or anything of that sort  because it can be deceiving to the eye of how your make-up actually looks .

Tip4: Most Important tip, ask for help.It is so helpful to  get help from a person more experienced in make up or a person that works in the store that can help you.Try to see what there opinion is on it.

Tip5: Once you have found the perfect shade, Don't forget to Remember or write down the brand, name or number of the foundation so you don't have to go through these steps again .

AN:// Thanks For reading my first book I hope you enjoyed the first part of this beauty book and continue to read  for more!Please Vote and Comment any recommendations you have for me or questions and you can also Inbox Me! love ya -Stay Beautiful


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