The Titan of Vengence Emerges

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Annie saw the most saddening and enraging sight ever in her life. Her husband was dead at the feet of her most hated enemy. She fell to her knees, unable to speak. Mikasa stopped in front of her sword poised to take out the henchmen running their way. A deep energy echoed inside of Annie. Her soul screamed and thrashed. Her everything has been taken from her. Her husband and daughter were taken from her. Suddenly, light exploded from every pore in her body. An orb of flesh erupted and encased Annie in it. She felt a skeleton grow out of the orb. The orb of flesh she was in rested on the nape of the skeleton's neck. Flesh snaked across the skeleton and turned into muscle. Muscle tendons snaked across the skull of the large avatar and blond hair grew from the top of the head. The avatar stood at 15 meters tall. It's large blue eyes scanned the Farm, searching for her husband and Mikasa. Without looking, she grabbed Mikasa and placed her on her shoulder. Mikasa pulled out a chain-sickle from her coat. "Annie. I don't know if you can hear me. But I'm sorry if this hurts." She wrapped the chain around her arm and stabbed the blade into her shoulder. Annie barely registers the pain. She commands her avatar to walk forward, towards the Barn. She sees Armin's body on the ground, his shallow breathing and bullet wound in his chest. "Don't stand there. SHOOT THE BITCH!!!" Eren shouted, seething with anger. Bullets ripped into the avatar's skin. Annie kept walking forward, her avatar's skin immediately repairing itself. A henchman kneeled down and aimed an RPG at Annie's avatar. Annie turned and covered her arm with a blue crystal. She raised her and let the RPG hit her head on. It exploded against her arm, barely scratching the crystal. The crystal seeped back underneath the skin and Annie reached down to grab Armin. She grabbed him and placed him in the avatar's mouth. She stood and cracked her knuckles. Immediately, the crystal covered the avatar's hands and feet. She broke into a run and smashed into the Barn. She smashed through the front wall and stood in the middle of the Barn. She punched and kicked through her avatar, exerting her immense anger and strength. Mikasa held on dear life as Annie finished the Barn. Once the Barn was destroyed, she ran over the factory mills. She gently grabbed Mikasa and tossed her onto the roof lightly. She pointed to the switch and pointed down. Mikasa nodded and ran for the switch. Henchmen ran towards her and she easily flipped and cut her way through them. Mikasa finally reached the switch and stabbed the control panel. She whistled for Annie. Annie stopped destroying the final mill and let it crumble. Mikasa ran and swung her chain sickle above her head. She threw it to Annie's shoulder. Annie grabbed it and pulled her to hand. She placed Mikasa on her shoulder and stabbed the chain sickle into her collarbone. She quickly and carefully wrapped the chain around Mikasa's waist. She pointed towards the woods. She took off in a full sprint and looked behind her. Annie saw the aftermath of her destruction. She felt a surge of pride in her work. She ran as fast as she could into woods until she ran out of energy. Her avatar knelt to the ground and started to evaporate into steam. Mikasa detached her chain sickle and jumped away. The avatar grabbed Armin out her mouth and laid on the ground. Annie emerged from the nape of the avatar's neck and looked at Armin. She slowly walked towards him and placed her hand his chest. "治癒の千の手 (One Thousand Hands of Healing)." Light erupted from her hands and wrapped around Armin. He stood up as the light faded. Armin looked at Annie and Mikasa. He cried and started laughing. "I love you so much", he said hugging them both.

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