Chapter 1 | The Beginning of the Brink

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He was at least a foot taller than me, clean shaven, sharp jaw, and gorgeous cobalt eyes. If i looked a little to my right, i could see another man of similar height and build but with baby blue eyes instead. 'This dream again?' Although their faces were covered with shadows, i could see the rest of them; Matching soulmarks and all. A rustle on my left, and suddenly, i wasn't dreaming about the very distracting men anymore. I felt the air rush out of my lungs before my eyes even opened. I shot up, almost slamming my head into my sister Allyza's. "Jeez your gonna collapse a lung!" I grabbed my pillow and threw it, almost hitting her in the face. Unfortunately she's good at dodging. She cackled and darted out of my room, inciting me to scramble up and after her down the stairs. She bolted out the front door, almost sliding to the ground as she tried to turn and run up the side of the house. I quickly caught up and tackled her. Suddenly, i wasn't falling onto my sister, i was falling onto a fuzzball covered in clothes. As she wriggled free and made a run for it i pulled off my shirt and shifted as well, i gave chase, barking loudly as she laughed and sped up. 

After about 5 laps around the house i was able to sideline her when she lost sight of me. We began wrestling, trying to pin each other down all while squeaking and barking at one another. If anybody were to walk by they'd think we were murdering each other. After a good paw to the chest i dramatically flopped over, wailing loud enough mom peeked her head out. She looked sternly at us. "Will you two wrestle some other time? Your gonna wake the whole dang forest!" She shook her head smiling all the while. We both darted to out clothes, nipping each others heels playfully as we raced. We grabbed our respective clothing in our mouths and trotted inside, bumping each others shoulders and clicking at each other. "You two are a handful." Mom rolled her eyes as she shut the door behind us. I sat patiently by the bathroom door, letting Allyza get dressed first. She walked out after a moment and i went in to get dressed as well. 

"Happy Birthday Connor." I smiled at my sister as she gave me a hug. "Mom and dad wanted to take us on a camping trip this weekend to celebrate." I grinned. "That's amazing! I'll have to pack tomorrow. Hey mom? When are we leaving?" I looked over at her as she entered the room. "About 18:00 Friday, Happy Birthday baby." She smiled and walked over to give me a hug. "Breakfast is on the table, your dads already at work and I've got a meeting in an hour so i have to get going. Behave yourselves and don't eat the cake yet!" We nodded and waved as she grabbed her purse and walked out the front hallway, grabbing her keys and exiting the house. Me and Allyza walked over to the table and sat down, digging into the pancakes, bacon and eggs she had set out for us. I playfully kicked at her shin, starting a game of footsie as we finished breakfast. I snatched her plate, much to her protest, and took them over to the sink to rinse off before putting them in the dishwasher. 

"Rude, i can take care of my plate." She sassed, a playful smile on her face. "Nope! Alright, whats on the agenda?" I asked as i walked into the living room as she stood up. I flopped onto the couch and looked over at her as she sat in on of the armchairs. "Well, Toni is having a party today while his parents are out for the week, we could go check it out since mom and dad wont be off work till like 21:00." I nodded, stretching out on the couch. "What time?" She held up her phone. "Starts at 13:00 so we have a few hours. I'm gonna go see what i have that i can wear." She got up and went up to her room. I yawned and got up as well, heading upstairs to my own room. 'What the hell am i gonna wear?'  I began rifling through my closet, searching through my graphic tees to try and find one that wouldn't make me stand out too much. Eventually i settled on a black tee that had trippy designs on it. Grabbing a pair of comfy slim fit jeans and putting them on, picking up my steel toe boots as i left my bedroom. I went back downstairs to the living room. I sat back down on the couch and grabbed the remote, turning on the TV. I flipped through till i found some mildly interesting cartoons and decided to leave it at that for now. Allyza walked back down the stairs, joining me on the couch. "There's gonna be pizza at the party so we won't have to worry about lunch." She said, pulling out her phone to doom scroll the cursed bird app. "Nice." I leaned on the arm rest and zoned out on the TV, thinking back to the recurring dream i've been having. 

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