Chapter 9

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Connor's POV

I woke up, with discomfort in my belly.  I groaned and sat up, having trouble with the three kits in my stomach making it difficult to balance. I sat up and realized the whole area stunk of rouge. Werewolf rouge. I shakily wrapped my arms around my belly protectively as I sat in wait, hoping my mates would track me down. I had almost fallen asleep from boredom when shadows began to curl and twist, forming into a person I never thought I'd see again.


"J-j-jax?" I managed to force out, my breath getting caught in my throat. His scowl only deepened as I spoke. I backed into the far wall of the cell and stared at him. "How ya doing runt. Honestly thought you had died. But when I picked up your scent, I knew I was in luck." His face suddenly melted into that of sadness. "I need you to do something for me. Something important." I tilted my head. Now that he wasn't glaring at me, I could relax. The only reason everybody was afraid of Shadow binders, was because they could do anything, at any time. They were unpredictable. So when I was kidnapped by him, im probably going to guess I'm getting sacrificed to Satan or some shit.

He opened the cell and stepped in. Wait, it was unlocked the whole time? I mentally facepalmed. He put his hand out to help me up. I warily accepted it and he helped me stand. "I need you to care for my pup." I stood there in shock. "W-what?" He roughly wiped his eyes and I could see that he was crying. "M-my mate, he found out somehow and half rejected me, and because of that, I'm dying. I don't think he knows it but I am, and I need you to care for Arisse."

All I could do was silently stand there, tears rolling down my face.


We were kids, at the age of 6. I didn't care that he was what mom called dangerous. He was living in the forest all alone. I simply wanted to be his friend. His tribe had kicked him out because he was too risky to keep, as his scent was very strong for some reason. That was until he found the necklace. It hid his scent. Shadow binders had scents that made them easy to track down and his was stronger than any body elses. He managed to survive though. The entire reason of The War was because of the Shadow Binders. Wolves wanted them dead from a long ago rivalry, and the Dragons wanted them as pets. So a war began.

I had let him live behind our house because he seemed so happy to finally have a friend. Until he found out. It was my first heat cycle, and I was locked in my room, drowning in my pain. For some reason, Jax had decided to come over that night. He hopped up through the window and as soon as my scent hit him, we both knew why he was so different. He was also a sub. He almost broke down crying but I had managed to hug him. Male shadow Binders were few and far, usually, even their most hated enemy, the werewolf, wouldn't harm them for their properties. They could reproduce, but it would be a mix. He could carry any pup without having to be mated, and it could cause catastrophe.

Especially for war. I urged him to run, and never come back, no matter what. I gave him a picture we took on my birthday, I had gotten two copies so I could give him one on his birthday, but that wouldn't be happening now. He left, teleporting through shadows, and running from his home. And there went my best friend, and I piece of my heart with him.

++flashback over++

I nodded, the memory of him escaping still fresh in my mind. "Just come with me, my mates might like a pet, amd, and we could find a way to let you live!" He shook his head. "No Connor." I began to cry even harder. "Please I just found you again, don't leave me alone again!" He gently pushed me away and pointed to a basket. "Don't make me hurt you so you hate me Connor." I shook my head. "No! No no no! I'm not letting you leave aga-" my words were cut short as he punched me, full force in my stomach. I screamed in pain, and as I fell back, I fell into my shadow and tumbled through darkness once again. "Just take care of Arisse. I'm sorry. But I'm dead anyway for what I'm about to do." Was the last thing I heard him say, as I landed on the cold floor of my mates house, hearing screams of Tim and Adrian, crying of Arisse, and yelling of their parents. "Take care of Arisse." Was the only thing my weak body could gasp out, before I passed out from pain.

-plz don't kill me. Not yet at least. I sowwy.

Hey, gonna break from this as I update Shadow Binder's Soul up to the point Dragon Mates is at because unless they are fluid and in the same time, it will screw up the timeline, so break from Thai for a few days and then back to our regular broadcasting!

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