Chapter 3

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Connor's POV

I woke up cuddled in-between my two mates. I sighed in contentment and nuzzled my head into one of their necks, inhaling their scent. When my fox was nesting, they shut down mate instincts, like having to be near them, having to smell them, and just went nesting mode. 

I smelt breakfast cooking downstairs so I carefully slid out from between my two mates and then got dressed. After checking to make sure my nests weren't disturbed I went down to the kitchen. As I walked into the dinning room, I saw what I think were his parents sitting at the table.

I went to the kitchen to serve myself some breakfast. "I-is it ok if I t-take some?" I asked loud enough for them to hear. Mrs Williams looked up at me and nodded, smiling gently at me. I scooped two eggs, some bacon, and hash browns onto my plate. I sat a one seat down from Mrs Williams so my mates could sit on either side of me. 

"So whats your name son?" I jumped slightly and looked up. "My name is Connor, Mr Williams."

He chuckled. "Call me Jack, and my wife Zerya please. Mrs and Mr makes us feel old." Zerya nodded and smiled at her husband. I started to nibble a piece of bacon as he started to talk again.

"Don't be offended by Zerya's lack of speaking. She lost her voice in a car crash when she was 15. A piece of glass went through her neck, damaging her vocal cords. But enough of us, what about you?" I finished all my bacon before I said anything.

"Uh, well, I'm Conner Allen, I'm 18, I have a sister who's 16, and I'm a black marble fox." As I said the last part they both looked at me in shock. I smiled sheepishly at them. "Since your my mates parents I guess you should know." I said, picking up my fork and poking at my eggs.

A few moments of silence later, my mates came down. As they sat down with their food, they each gave me a kiss on the cheek. I blushed and began to nibble at my eggs. "Hey mom, hey dad." They both said at the same time. I chuckled as Jack and Zerya waved. Jack went back to the book he was reading and Zerya continued to draw something. 

"So hows our little mate doing?" Tim asked. I smiled at him. "I'm doing great! I have my mates and had the best sleep I've ever had last night. And the foods good. Im just not very hungry." I said as I stuffed another forkful of eggs into my mouth. 

~(( IM HERE TO ANNOY YOU AGAIN!  So allow me to explain. AGAIN. Black Marble fox shifters are rare. So are snow foxes, but there is only a Black Marble fox every 500 years. Nobody knows why. Prophecy or something. Yada yada yada. So Black Marble foxes are smaller, smarter, and quicker then the normal fox. They are excellent hunter and are excellent at hiding. They blend into shadows. THATS ALL BYEEEEE))~

After we all finished breakfast I let my fox go back to his nesting. I chuckled as he went to the closet and set it all perfectly. my fox had OCD so it was all symmetrical. He set the specific area for kitting, and another specific corner for mating. Usually fox shifters go into heat 2 or 3 days after meeting their mates. So probably tomorrow. 

~((-'this is his fox'- and 'this is Connor'))~

-'oh shut it. you just want to cuddle. always cuddle!'-

My fox suddenly snapped at me. I was quick to reply with a snappy comment.

'You only care about mating with them tomorrow.'

He went silent.

-'I just want to make sure they don't reject us Connor. If they don't mark us tomorrow, then we are both in for a world of pain.'-

I sighed. I knew he was right.  

'Pull a blanket in here. If we go into heat at the ass crack of dawn, we sure as hell ain't gonna have them trying to jump us as we get to the nest.'

He yapped in agreement as he trotted out and grabbed a blanket from the closet. I chuckled as he tripped over it. 


This had me almost in tears laughing. I was in the back of his mind rolling around in laughter. Holy shit my fox was something else. By the time he had finished perfecting all the nests it was around 5 PM. 

He gave me control and I shifted back, slipping some shorts on. I peeked into my mate's room, to see them sleeping on the bed. I huffed and walked away. I went to the kitchen and grabbed an apple to eat. After I was done eating it I walked up the stairs and into the room. I locked the door behind me and crawled into the nest. 

I curled up on a pile of pillows that had my mates's scent on them. I fell asleep with the silence as my lullaby.


853 words but hey, its something. I try to get over 1220 words but I am tired. All day I was busy so this short chapter is a surprise considering its hard not to nod off as I'm writing this. Night guys. 

PS: TYSM for adding this book to reading lists and votes! I REALLY APPRECIATE IT!!!! Especially since this was something I just came up with for the hell of it. Meh. CYA!!!!

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