Chapter 3: The Boarding School In The Fire Nation

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Chapter 3:

The Boarding School In The Fire Nation

After I left the tea-shop I travelled aimlessly through the Fire Nation trying to find a place where I fit in. Somewhere I could live for free until I found a job because I doubt they still use the same currency as 95 years ago, so I'd be asked questions that I am uncomfortable answering. It was like this that Mika, Kyro, Cata, and I travelled foraging in the woods for food. Until I came upon a small village, although I stayed hidden since I didn't want to draw any attention to myself.

I used my airbending to carry the sounds drifting in the wind towards me and listened to the conversations all around. Hearing about a family members illness, how much more peaceful it was with Zuko as the Fire-Lord, and finally about a Fire Nation school so I tuned into the conversation.

"I think that it was so kind of our Fire-Lord to make a boarding program for the children who lost their parents in the war. Especially since he expanded the curriculum, so that Earth Kingdom and Water Tribe children could learn in the same environment as our children. He's showing them equality and trying to end the hatred between the three don't you think Sokka?" an old woman asked a teenage boy dressed in Water Tribe Clothing.

"I completely agree. We used to all hate Zuko until he joined our side of the war, and although I was skeptical at first I accepted the fact that he had changed. I'm glad that with this system we may change our children's hearts about this and have a chance to prevent a war like this ever happening again," the boy Sokka replied.

"How exactly does the system work Sokka?" she asked.

"Well Aliza it's quite simple actually. In two days children from across the globe are going to be taking a special exam for the Elvia School, the name literally means trust and companionship from ancient times. These children can still go to the school if they don't pass the exam by taking a less complicated one, but their boarding will not be provided. We also have separate dorms for the male and female students, and they can move in immediately if they pass the initial exam. If they are benders they also have an exam to see what level they are in for bending, so that they can put them in the proper classes. We have accomplished benders from each of the three remaining nations who have promised to teach them. Then for the non-benders I will be teaching a class along with another disciple from my sword-master, so that they aren't completely helpless if they get attacked," he answered with a smile on his face.

"Where is this taking place?" Aliza asked curiously.

"It’s a campus just outside the capital. Since I took Appa here it only took half a day...." after that I stopped listening. This was the perfect place for me to hide out, I can learn what’s happened since I disappeared, try to find Aang, and maybe learn his fate on the way. 

I quickly make Mika, Cata, and Kyro hide and walked towards the village to get directions to where the Fire-Nation Capital was now. Passing by everyone I could notice the changes people seemed happy and well-nourished, instead of afraid and starving. I guess Zuko really has turned the world around he made it the way I fantasized about for when I became the Fire-Lord. If I had never disappeared would the world have changed sooner, or would I have been killed by my own family?

I was so lost in my thoughts that I ended up tripping over something, and almost fell flat on my face. I could have used airbending to save myself, but I wasn't sure if they had come out of hiding yet too many questions could be raised. All this was going through my mind when I realized I hadn't fallen and someone was holding me up. Looking up I saw the boy Sokka grinning down at me.

"Wow I knew I was handsome, but I didn't think girls would faint upon seeing me," he joked around smiling.

"As if buddy. I just tripped. You’re so not my type, too much of a monkey resemblance," I replied laughing.

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