Chapter 12: Am I A Prisoner?

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Chapter 12: Am I A Prisoner?

"Sia what's wrong?" Iroh asked concerned as I ran into is class crying.

I had just come for comfort, but then I realized something. If Azula knows what Siria truly is, and finds out that Kohei is Yue's son Kohei will be in danger as well. We both need to leave for Kohei's safety and everyone else's. My decision made I didn't answer Iroh's question, and instead I grabbed Kohei and tried to leave. Sooner or later Sokka is going to come after me, and I need to be long gone. Kohei seemed confused as I tried to tell him what was going on, but my throat was to swollen from my crying for me to answer him.

"Auntie what's wrong? Where are we going?" Kohei asked in a panicked voice clearing my senses.

"Kohei we have to leave. There is a girl after my power and your mother's. We need to get you somewhere safe until she's gone," I told him.

"Ok Auntie let's go. Bye Iroh," Kohei agreed with me as he hugged the old man.

I gave Iroh a quick hug as well and turned to leave the building. At first no one was around and I thought we could get a head start before they began searching for me. All I needed to do was get into the trees and then become part dragon to fly off. Sokka would most likely expect me to fetch Cata since he didn't know I was a descendant of a spirit dragon.

"I'm sorry Sia, but you aren't going anywhere," I heard from the trees.

A second after I heard the voice students and teachers were surrounding Kohei and I. If it had just been me I would have risked fighting, but I couldn't risk Kohei getting hit. Each of the people surrounding me had summoned their element and looked as if at the slightest movement they would attack.

"You don't understand Zuko we need to leave now before a war starts again," I told him angrily.

"How could any of us understand when you won't even tell us a bit of the truth? All we hear out of you are lies Sia if that's even your real name," he yelled at me.

"Why should I tell you my past as painful as it is? You'd never believe half of it anyway. Just let us leave in peace Zuko, unless if you want your people to be dragged into another war that would be worse than what Sozin caused," I yelled back angrily.

"Please stop fighting Auntie Sia why can't they help us?" Kohei asked his voice wavering with unshed tears.

"Because even though Zuko and all of you are treating me like a criminal right now I don't want you involved in my battles. Most of my life I've had to fight alone the only thing stopping me from breaking free of you guys right now is because I don't want Kohei or my friends hurt," I growled out.

"Oh well Sia come with us in peace, explain why Azula has you so frightened. Why is she after you?" Aang said coming from the crowd.

"There are many more she would be after if she knew who I was related to. Me running away would save countless of lives, but with her anywhere near Kohei isn't safe," I told Aang sighing in defeat. "I will come with you only if you promise that both you and Iroh stay at Kohei's side at all times, no one else can protect him."

"I promise Sia," Aang said and I watched as Kohei left my side with Iroh and Aang.

The second they left Zuko came towards me and grabbed onto my wrist tightly. As if he was afraid I'd evaporate into thin air. He practically dragged me with him to the palace, and I was soon in the room I had once called home. I guess since they didn't know I actually was Siria they thought that this was the only room that could hold me. I watched as Zuko pushed me into the room and followed right behind me his eyes flaring with fire.

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