Chapter 11: Azula's Return

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Chapter 11: Azula’s Return


There are a few days left until Furuka is to arrive I stayed up all night last night after I heard the prophecy. Even still I have not found a way to solve my problem. The only thing that I have thought of so far is I might fall in love with someone else since I never pledged my heart to Furuka which if I am right means the man I love and marry. It’s the only loophole I can find in the prophecy.

Luckily for me Kohei stayed with Aang yesterday since he fell asleep on the way back from the fishing trip leaving it. It’s not because I’m mad at Kohei, but it left me to think in peace. Even with that brief moment of peace though I haven’t come up with a real solution, unless if I fall in love with someone else before Furuka dies I will have someone kill me the moment of his death. To do so I will probably have to move to the Northern Water Tribes, and become the enemy of the tribe as soon as I hear that he is on his dying bed. At a moment like that they wouldn’t hesitate to kill me.

“Auntie Sia I’m back,” I heard resonate through the dorm as Kohei entered my room.

“I’m glad to see you again little man,” I told him smiling down at him as I engulfed him in a hug.

Poor Kohei he’s already lost the ones he loved once and he will lose the most important person to him once again. What I should really be focusing on is a way to get Aang take Kohei in on his own. If I do that then even if I end up dying Kohei would be with my brother and I’d be able to rest in peace, not to mention that Kohei will still be with family in a way.

“Auntie Sia why are you crying?” Kohei asked interrupting my inner thoughts.

“No reason Kohei, but come on I need to get ready for school bud,” I told him swiping the tears off of my face.

“Ok Auntie, but you know if you’re sad it’s better to talk to someone,” Kohei told me with one last hug before he exited the room so I could change.

As soon as he left the room I got dressed and decided that for today I couldn’t hide my necklace. Knowing that it was dangerous I still put my necklace around my neck, but made sure only the ribbon could be seen clearly. Making sure I wasn’t missing anything I left my room and grabbed Kohei intending to drop him off at Iroh’s class since he wasn’t teaching anyone at the moment.

“Sia, Kohei come in,” Iroh said as I stopped outside the gym that his classes were held in.

“Hey Iroh. Can you keep an eye on Kohei for me? I’ve been missing too many classes lately and I don’t want to leave him alone,” I asked Iroh.

“I don’t mind. Run along now or you’ll be late,” Iroh told me shooing me off as he asked turned his full attention to Kohei.

Knowing that there was no safer place for Kohei except mine or Aang’s side I left in peace. Even though I was running at full speed to reach the class I was still the last person to arrive. As I sat down in my seat I got many weird looks from the other students in my class. Sokka was up front talking to someone, but I couldn’t see who it was because Kuzo was blocking my view.

“Ok now that everyone is here I can start today’s lesson. Instead of me being your teacher today I have decided to let a Northern Water Tribe member who has been alive since the beginning of the war tell you his story,” Sokka said gesturing to the man behind him. Since I knew what happened already I had decided to ignore the lesson that is until the man began to speak.

“My name is Furuka and I was once a Prince and then the Leader of the Northern Water Tribe. Many have probably already heard of me, and some might even think that the start of the war was my fault for falling in love with Siria. Now if it wasn’t for the fact that the Air Nomads had been attacked before I even met her I would have agreed with you. Others might think me a traitor for falling in love with the heir of the throne at the time. I’d have to agree with you, not because I fell for her but because if I hadn’t the war would have been over much sooner.

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