Chapter 8: The Truth About Yue

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Chapter 8:

The Truth About Yue

A few hours later Adein woke me up and lead me down a hidden pathway. Finally we came upon a building with a girl and dragon statue in front of it. Most likely the statue was to represent Yue and Narma her husband. There was no door though and I was surprised as Adein placed one of his hands on the statue and make fire attack it. Even more surprising was that the dragon statue’s mouth opened showing an opening into the place.

“This is the only way you can meet Yue, but for the answers you seek you must go alone. For if you are who I think than the truth will be revealed to you and you alone,” Adein told me.

So because of that I entered the place alone and watched as the mouth closed behind me and the place lit up automatically. In front of me were three different tunnels but I somehow knew where to go from here. Following my instincts I walked through the monument until I came upon an ancient door showing a girl wielding all four elements against the dragons as if telling me that I needed to use the elements to open the door. Calling forth the elements I opened the door and entered when once again the door closed behind me. In front of me was the body of a girl trapped in ice that was unmeltable.

“I sense the dragons within you,” I heard a voice say making me turn and look around, but the only other person in the room was the girl’s body on the bed. “I’m talking to you through my mind Princess Siria of the Firebenders. I am Yue trapped for eternity because of what Narma and I did, and the threat I hold towards the world as the Dragon Bender.”

“Dragon Bender what do you mean?” I asked her

“Let me show you mine and Celeste’s past, and then you’ll realize the truth,” she ordered.

“Alright,” suddenly the world around me began to glow and I found myself in a cave with two dragons one red and one green as well as two girls.

“Celeste is the Avatar the one who keeps balance in the world well Yue you are the Dragon Bender and one day you will have to make the choice to destroy the world or make it reborn,” the red dragon said.

“Narma what do you mean Dragon Bender?” Yue asked.

“The Dragon Bender gets her powers from the dragons that created the world and is basically the World’s goddess. Yue the elements you wield are the same ones that created the world Celeste learned Fire from the dragons, Air from the Sky Bisons, Earth from the Badger Moles, and Water from the moon. Although you’re the Goddess of the World Yue is the protector and mediator between the Spirit World and this World, you are a Spirit yourself, the Spirit of this world to be exact,” the green dragon answered instead.

“So if Yue is killed the world dies with her?” Celeste asked.

“Not exactly when she dies her Spirit will be reborn again as the Avatars twin, but the Avatars are your reincarnations of the soul being reborn. In Yue’s case she could still be alive and frozen, but her Spirit will join with the next twin of the Avatar. Unlike the Avatar whoever takes over from Yue won’t be in connection with her, the girl herself will be Yue’s descendant meaning she can only be reborn as an Avatars twin if their parents have Yue’s bloodline flowing through them. The Avatar is born through the cycle of the elements not blood,” Narma replied every time he said descendant he’d stare at Yue’s stomach meaning Zya is already on her way.

Suddenly the scene changed showing Yue, Narma, and a little girl who could have been me when I was a child.

“Narma Zya and I need you why must you leave?” Yue asked.

“We broke the laws being together Yue, you might be part dragon yourself, but I’m a dragon of the Spirit World. You were supposed to mate with a human now Zya can command fire and I’m afraid they will kill her,” he answered.

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