Chapter 13: The Truth Behind The Prophecy

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Chapter 13: The Truth Behind The Prophecy

“Everything’s going to be fine Sia,” Aang told me we had decided before the party that it was better if no one else knew that my full name was Siria.

“You don’t know that Aang she could attack at any time,” I told him.

“Sia just calm down Iroh has Kohei and you are with Aang. No one is going to get hurt,” Zuko said.

All of us were wearing ceremonial outfits. Aang was in monks clothing, Zuko in his Fire-Lord attire, and me well I’m dressed in a dress that can resist fire because for the audience’s eyes I’m Aang and Zuko’s new body guard. Yep since its Aang’s big political birthday party they thought the best way to keep me close was to say I was their new body guard. According to Zuko if they didn’t use that as my cover someone might get the wrong idea and think I’m either his or Aang’s betrothed which is disgusting. Aang is my twin brother and Zuko is my cousin.

“Look Sia I know you’re worried, but Toph is guarding Furuka. No one can sneak up at Toph from behind and we have guards watching the air all around. Not to mention that since we are introducing the surviving airbenders their temple is above us as well. Azula might have gone mad, but she won’t attack when there is this many people against her,” Sokka said walking up behind us.

“I know Sokka, but I can shake off this feeling that something is going to go horribly wrong. There is one thing you guys can promise me to make me feel better though,” I said deciding to make them promise beforehand.

“Anything Sia,” Aang said smiling sweetly at me.

“Absolutely anything I ask no matter what?” I asked him.

“Of course,” Zuko answered.

“If you’ll promise anything swear it as the Fire-Lord and the Avatar as well as members of my family,” I told them. The only one who looked worried was Sokka. Neither Aang nor Zuko sensed what I might ask could be something that would hurt me.

“I swear as both your cousin and the Fire-Lord that I will uphold whatever you want to ask me no matter what,” Zuko said without hesitation.

“I swear as your twin brother and the Avatar that we will grant your request no matter what,” Aang said his voice strong and full of conviction.

“And I bear witness to this oath and bind them to it at the cost of Zuko’s position and Aang’s title as leader of the Air Nomads,” Sokka said binding the agreement although he didn’t seem to happy about it.

“If Azula captures Furuka and kills him the moment he dies Zuko must kill me,” I said.

“Wait what?!” Zuko exclaimed. “I can’t.”

“You made an oath Zuko and trust me if you don’t the world will be destroyed I must die if Furuka does,” I said sadly.

Before they could protest Aang and Zuko were announced and we entered the ball room for the political party. As we entered many people gazed at me in confusion and shock, and only then did I realize how odd it is for the Avatar and the Fire-Lord to have a body guard especially a female one. Add that to the fact that they don’t seem to be the only ones being guarded has certainly raised everyone’s suspicions.

What I found strange is that with all of the political figures here you’d think there would be someone from my past. The only people who I knew from then though are Iroh, and Furuka and they wouldn’t rat out my secret for anything. Looking around the room I saw that not only was Furuka here to represent the Northern Water Tribe, but so was his whole family including Kuzo and they were all in royal outfits of their tribe. What shocked me the most though was that after we entered they announced the Princess and Prince of the Southern Water Tribe who turned out to be Katara and Sokka.

“You’re the Prince and Princess of the Southern Water Tribe,” I hissed at them when they passed.

“Of course although the title was given to us recently because Katara is the last Water Bender of our tribe we became the Royal Family,” Sokka said. “All bow to Boomerang Lord and Ice Princess,” he whispered to me.

“Avatar Aang, Fire-Lord Zuko it is a pleasure to see you again. May I offer my congratulations Avatar on your birthday,” an official looking man said coming up to us.

“A pleasure as always Lord Maven how is your wife?” Aang asked.

“She is well, but she had to stay home with my daughter since it is so close to her due date,” Lord Maven answered. “Princess Katara, Prince Sokka, and who might you be?” he asked as he greeted us.

“Lord Maven this is Sia a cousin from my mother’s side. Sia this is Lord Maven he’s the Palace Historian,” Zuko introduced me which wasn’t technically a lie.

“How do you do Lord Maven?” I asked curtsying.

“Very well Lady Sia,” he responded with a small nod of his head.

“Aang, rock candy?” an eccentric looking old man asked coming out of nowhere.

“No thanks Bumi,” Aang said with a laugh.

“A happy belated birthday old friend, and oh my if it isn’t little Siria what’s with all my old acquaintances barely getting older?” Bumi asked.

“It’s been a long time Bumi still crazy as ever I see. Just don’t do what you did the last time we saw each other, I don’t think Aang needs that embarrassment,” I joked with Bumi.

“Aw, but that’s the best part of the parties I go to,” Bumi grumbled.

“No Bumi,” I said, “we don’t need that repeated and trust me I don’t think anyone would help you if I got angry again.”

“Fine,” he agreed pouting like he was still a kid.

Suddenly the whole hall was filled with smoke and people all around us were screaming. I knew Azula would try something today. Instead of staying inside were I wouldn’t be able to stop anything Azula tried I transformed so that I had dragon wings and flew out of the hall. Each beat of my wings cleared the air around me and soon everyone could see the wings sprouting through my back.

The moment I reached outside Azula exited the hall with Furuka in her arms and flew into the air by using fire to fly. He was knocked out cold and blood was pouring out of a gash on his head. Azula looked smug that she had gotten away with it, but her eyes widened in fright when she saw me waiting outside for her.

“Let Furuka go Azula,” I growled my voice a mixture of human and dragon making her squeal slightly in fright before she turned back into the evil witch she is.

“Why should I? This man is the only way I can get that pesky Siria out of the way as well as her descendants until I kill my brother making me the only eligible heir to the Fire-Lord’s thrown.”

“Let him go and take me instead Azula,” I said deciding the best way to stop Furuka from being hurt was giving myself in.

“Why would I want you?”

“Because Azula I am Siria. You were right that the only way to get to me was through Furuka now let him go.”

“Alright,” she smirked before dropping Furuka and charging at me.

In fury I watched as Furuka hit the ground and I doubted he had survived from falling 500 feet up in the air. Then looking at his body on the ground I felt an indescribable rage course through me. A beast fighting to get out and my body started to change. The human blood in me seemed to be eaten up by the ancient dragon spirit blood I held in my soul and soon the girl I was, was replaced by an aqua dragon who had no humanity holding her back. It was like Furuka had been my hold to my humanity and now that he was dead I was no longer human. I want to kill everyone who is responsible for my loves death no matter who they are. I finally understood what the prophecy meant and knew that I had failed to save the world because I’d be the one to destroy it as an angry dragon.

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