Chapter 14: Her Dragon Unleashed

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Chapter 14: Her Dragon Unleashed

I was still slightly human as I turned towards Azula the dragon in me fighting to tear her to shreds, but I wanted her to suffer for killing the only man I ever loved. Her eyes widened in fear as the scales glimmered in the air around me turning from a deep purple to a sea blue my claws sharpening with every beat of my wings. Beneath us everything was in vibrant colours as I roared into the night sky my fury announced for everyone to see. Azula being the fool she was tried to fly away powering her fire into her feet, but with two beats of my wings I was in front of her. I swiped my claws towards her as I was covered in flames my power of bending the elements untouched by my transformation.

'Kill her,' a voice in my mind whispered, 'make her pay for the loss of your mate.'

'No Furuka wouldn't have wanted me to kill anyone,' I tried to resist the only shred of my humanity keeping me from severing Azula's head from her body.

Down below us people were frantically shouting and pointing at me in the sky. I could see Furuka's lifeless body beneath me, and that was the last straw. With a roar the inner beast broke through and yet I was still conscious as I attacked Azula. At first my attacks were deflected by the fire shield she had around her, but I could see with each blow of my fire enhanced claws that her shield was weakening. Sparks flew off it as my claws struck again and again aiming for this crazy witches chest. The fear in her eyes and in the air was growing stronger as my anger made my flames burn a deep blue that can only be reached with the hottest fires. I could taste the fear as she expanded the amount of her energy in the field, but if one thing weakens someone in a fight it's their fear of their opponent.

I watched in triumph when with one final blow Azula's shield shattered as she tried to dive to the ground in a last effort to escape. My wings barely moving as I gained on her as we got closer to the ground. I opened my mouth in a roar as fire encased her, and her body slowly burned as she screamed in terror. Seconds away from the ground one thing stopped me from ripping her in two.

"Siria no! He's still alive don't kill her!" Aang shouted as my claw got closer to her heart.

In my mind I rejoiced Furuka was still alive, but how long would my happiness last before he died for real and I destroyed this world. Before going to Furuka I encased Azula in a ton of stone as I slowly let my anger go and began to reform my human shape. Something weird happened though as I became human Furuka's body was encased in a weird glow as he was surrounded by a figure of two dragons encasing his body and lifting him into the air where I was. The more human I became the more frantic the energy waves were as if two dragons were dancing around Furuka's body changing him.

The second the last feature of my dragon disappeared the glow died from Furuka making me gasp at the sight in front of me. How was this possible even with all the bending knowledge in the world this had never been heard of. In front of me floating in the air unconscious was the Furuka I had known back when Sozin was in command, but that had been 95 years ago. Stranger still was the two dragons were still there and their mouths opened as if they wanted to talk to me.

"Siria DragonBender of the Spirit Kingdom you shall be the last dragonbender in history with the curse broken. You're true sorrow and anger for the loss of your love has made you become who you both were meant to be," the glowing red dragon said.

"Yes the prophecy had never been finished all those years ago. You Siria and Furuka are through your love the Spirits of bending, and without one the other would not exist like Yin and Yang. Many before you have never truly loved which is why you never knew of the past Dragonbenders they never were in history because the moment they turned they were erased from history itself as was any knowledge of their existence. That is the true curse of the dragonbenders for there has been one every generation, but they had always failed, and when they failed they didn't destroy the world they just erased their existence from the world," the green dragon added.

"Until your deaths in this realm you will be normal humans, but when you both die you will become the spirits of bending. You will become mentors for every Avatar in the future as a spirit animal for them and their soul mate. It is your job to ensure the Avatars not only keep peace in the future, but to ensure you are both reunited every life time you share as the spirit guides," the red dragon finished before they disappeared into the night thus creating a new legend for the Avatars of the future.


I know it's short, but I think this is the end of the Dragonbender. There will be a sequel including this legend sometime in 2013.

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