Chapter 12: The Conference

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Tony's Age: 26 years old

Percy's Age: 40 mentally, wolf body 4 (thought to be 7 and a half years old--aging slowly)

Tony had this air of a man who has seen things, to put it lightly. He seemed as if he aged almost ten years; yet, still had this slightly immature setting to him especially when talking to Pepper.

An example of this was when we got off the plane, and Tony commented about Cheeseburger first then press conference after he told Pepper no hospital.

I wasn't too worried about the hospital thing because, other than the reactor thing in his chest, he smelled healthy. Given that he also smelt like death was slowly going into him, but okay.

I was sitting up front with Happy when we finally made it to the press conference. Stane had opened the door for Tony but I couldn't help but smell the hint of anger coming from Stane.

Confused, I followed Tony and Pepper out of the car as soon as they cleared the back seats for me to jump over the middle and follow them out the open door.

No way was I going to leave Tony alone, not after I just got him back. Shifting my stance to a more alert one, I followed Tony's steps with grace and ignored the whispers and pointing at me.

While it was not always painted across the internet, most people did know the Stark Family gained custody of 'Captain Puppy' after Captain America passed away.

Ignoring those excited whispers and pointing, I stayed by Tony's heel and walked into the building with him.

I followed Tony through the crowd of reports and ignored the flashing lights as he finished one of the Cheeseburger he got from Burger King.

Amused, I watched Tony sit in front of the podium and pull out another burger. "Hey, would it be all right if everyone sat down?" Tony asked his uncaring sort of attitude, I instantly sat next to the podium seeing how Tony didn't seem to want to move anytime soon.

"Why don't you just sit down That way you can see me, and I can...A little less formal and..." Tony stopped as he grabbed another bite from the burger.

I was slightly worried about him, but not because of how he might be physically hurt, but the emotional scars that I can't see nor smell at the moment. Most of what I was smelling was relief, confusion, nervous, and this mask sort of smell. It wasn't a definitive smell but wearing a mask always leaves behind this one smell that I cannot always identify.

I watched as the occasional flash appeared and listened to Tony's talk about his father and then the company. it was like he had this set mind goal that he was slightly nervous to say, but was going to say it regardless.

As I saw him shift to get up, I instantly followed and was by his side as he went to the podium and announced that he was shutting down the weapons manufacturing division of Stark International.

I ignored the questions that everyone was asking, and instead felt pride. Knowing Howard 'growing up' I knew of his early visions. He didn't really want to make weapons, he wanted to change the world.

And I could see, that Tony was finally going to achieve that, but not as his father's goal, but as his own goal through life experiences. So yes, I was very proud of the man that overcame fear and death that will stand his ground for his beliefs.

No matter how many people were asking questions and maybe protesting, I was proud of him. Wagging my tail slightly, I watched as Tony glanced at me just a moment when Stane started to drag him away and gave me this smirk, like there was more he was planning.

Entertained, I followed Tony off stage and back toward the Arc Reactor Stark Industries made 30-ish years back.

I watched as Tony took off the jacket he was wearing and then the tie, draping the loosen tie over my head. Amused, I looked down and saw that if I stood up, it was short enough to just barely graze the floor.

I looked back up at Tony with this slight pout look, though we both know I didn't mind wearing the tie.

But it did give what what I hoped, Tony gave a huff of a laugh before shaking his head in amusement as a smile danced on his lips.

"I'm happy you haven't changed," he muttered slightly under his breath as his hand started to pet the top of my head.

I leaned into his touch naturally and shifted just slightly so he was getting behind my ears, a place that was sometimes hard to scratch.

When Tony stopped I spotted Stane walking toward us. The two adults started a conversation about what Tony was doing and finally about looking into the arc reactor more.

During the latter conversation, Stane seem to sneak behind Tony's defenses and Tony was about to show him the reactor in his chest.

Feeling slightly sick all of the sudden, like the choice was a bad thing, I may have tripped Tony just before he could undo his shirt totally.

Tony fell flat on his backside and gave a startled laugh as I gave this sorry look and whimper and pushed my head into his hands.

Grinning amused, Tony stood back up and dismissed the conversation before heading back outside toward Happy was to head back home.

Throughout this, I could smell the hatred, detest, and loathing all coming from Stane. Promising myself to keep alert around him, I followed Tony back into the car to make my way back home.

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