Truth or Dare

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Leo's POV

OMFGs!!!!!! I just had the best idea, of like, all time!!!!!! A dangerous, deadly, and embarrassing game of.......Truth or Dare!!!!!!

I am like literally just bouncing off the walls and stuff. I am so amazing. Thank you. I appreciated it.

Leo McShizzle Man Bad Boy Supreme is in da House! All right. Time to recruit my fellow Demigods. I wish many hardships to pass them in the next how many hours while we play. Muahaha.

It feels great to be back, does it not? I enjoy being evil, sometimes I scare myself. But that's silly. Haha jk, it's totally awesome. I don't even know where I'm going with this(stupid ADHD)

Off to find the Demigods. The wonderful heroes of oz.


Percy's POV

When Leo asked me to play Truth or Dare with him, I was all like, 'Hell Yeah!' and Annabeth looked at me and she was all like, 'Nu-uh' so I had to reconsider.

After an eternity of five seconds, I was back to 'Hell Yeah!', so we decided to play. This is going to be fun.


Piper's POV

Gods help us all. Leo is an idiot. Oh right, old information. Oh well, doesn't hurt to be reminded.

We all gathered in Percy's cabin to play. The demigods that are playing are Percy, Annabeth, Me, Jason, Hazel, Frank, Reyna, Leo, Nico, Will, Thalia, and Calypso, though she isn't a demigod. I actually wouldn't be surprised if someone died today.

Leo was doing something in Percy's bathroom while we all waited in the main area.

Leo came strutting out with a fake mustache, Percy's blanket tied around his neck like a cape, a very big sombrero, and my hairbrush that he was currently using as a microphone.

"Hey!" Percy and I protested at the same time. Leo just ignored us and started his speech.

"Hello and welcome Demigods of great power. I have had the absolutely brilliant idea to play Truth or Dare this fine day. If you choose Dare, you need to do it, unless you want to chicken. There will only be two chickens in the whole game and if you use one, you have to choose from this hat of doom." He said pointing dramatically at a hat.

"In this horrible hat, there are things you must do. And if you choose Truth, we all have to swear to answer honestly, unless you want to use one of your chickens? Are we understood?"

"Yes." We all answered. "Good, cuz this things itchy." He said taking off the mustache and other accessories. After we all swore in the River Styx, we began the game.


Annabeth's POV

I was a little concerned for Percy. He kept rubbing his chest like it hurt him to breathe, but whenever I tried to ask him about it, he would brush me off. I gave him another look and turned back to the game.

Jason was starting off the game. He turned to Thalia maliciously. "Truth or Dare?"

"Dare, duh." Thalia answered. Jason just smiled. "I dare you to let the person to your left draw on your face with....permanent marker."

The person on her left happened to be Leo. He smiled devilishly. "Hmm this is going to be fun." He drawled. He pulled a marker out of his tool belt and wrote Team Leo across her forehead.

Then he drew a mustache, a goatee, bushy eyebrows, and a less appropriate male body part on her cheek. "Leo!" Thalia screamed.

He just laughed evilly and lit his hands on fire for effect. "Okay seriously bro, wash that off." Jason said, sounding disappointed in his friend. How he didn't see that coming, I don't know.

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