We Have a Plan(Sort of)

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Nico's POV

"How the Hell are we going to get to Tartarus?" Leo asked as soon as Annabeth left the room.

I pondered the question while simultaneously getting over the initial panic of finding out your cousin has been cursed by the Primordial god of Hell.

"Well, I don't know about you, but I'm not really up for a field trip to the pit. Is there not another option?" Piper offered.

"There has to be," Frank argued looking stumped. Jason tried to put on a brave face, but I could see right through it.

"Well if we have to go to Tartarus," he gulped, looking around at everyone, "then that's what we'll do. He'd do it for us in a heartbeat."

I nodded in agreement. "But maybe we don't have to," I trailed off, chasing after a half formed idea.

"Well what other option do we have?" Frank asked miserably.

"Well maybe it's not so much going to Tartarus," I said, warming up to the idea, "as it is luring him out."

Leo pointed at me. "That could work."

"So how do we lure Tartarus of all beings, out of his pit. What could possibly tempt him?" Rachel questioned, steepling her hands.

"We need a bait," Hazel said.

Leo and I made eye contact. "Annabeth," we said in unison. 

"Annabeth? Are you kidding?" Piper screeched. "Well, she did escape Tartarus. He usually doesn't let people go so easily. He's mad that her and Percy got away from him. Offering up Annabeth just might get him to come to us."

The people in the room considered my proposition. "Alright, it's a plan," Jason said. "A plan that needs to be put in motion as soon as possible." I argued.

"Tomorrow?" Hazel asked, looking awfully solemn.

"Tomorrow," I agreed.

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