Central Park?

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Annabeth's POV

Upon arriving at Central Park, Argus basically kicked us out of the van and sped off. Guess he doesn't like the Underworld.

Nico rubbed his hands together, "Okay, it should be around here somewhere."

"What are we looking for exactly?" Leo asked, scratching the back of his head. "The entrance to the Underworld, idiot. Weren't you paying attention?" Nico responded with a roll of his eyes.

"Ooh," Piper elbowed Leo in the ribs, "get wrecked."

"Oh shut up," he answered, pushing her away from him, though he was grinning himself.

"Orpheus's Tunnel, right?" Hazel asked. "Yeah. Percy and I used it once. During the Titan War," Nico explained, preoccupied with locating said tunnel.

"Why would it be in Central Park?" Frank asked, looking around at all the pedestrians as if they would call the cops on us at any given moment.

"Why is Olympus on top of the Empire State Building? What's your point?"

"Nico is in savage mode this morning," Reyna commented. "Yeah, you're on a roll Neeks," Jason ruffled his hair.

"First of all, don't touch me. Second, I found it," Nico said. We gathered round, examining the pile of rocks he'd singled out. It wasn't anything special. It looked just like the millions of other rock formations in Central Park. But looks can be deceiving.

"Alright, Will can you give us a tune?" Nico asked, turning to his boyfriend. "Uh, what?" Will asked, blushing.

"It requires music," I supplied. "That's how Orpheus opened it."

"Bingo," Nico said, pointing at me. "Oh, okay," Will stepped forward and cleared his throat, preparing to sing a song.

Just as he was about to start, Leo started beat boxing. We all turned to look at him.

"What?" He threw his arms up in defense. "I was just giving him a beat!"

"That was truly horrible," Hazel shuddered. Leo pouted.

"You are my sunshine, my only sunshine. You make me happy when sky's are grey," Will sang, reserved but confidently. "You'll never know dear, how much I love you. Please don't take my sunshine away."

The pile of rocks groaned and shook before splitting open to reveal a dark and narrow tunnel. "Follow me!" Nico said, striding forward and disappearing.

"Well, here we go," I said, following behind him.

There's that chapter. Hope you liked it! Next will hopefully be some action. We'll see. I'll try not to keep you waiting! Remember to vote and comment and have a wonderful day! Love you demigods:)

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