What's Going On?

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Jason's POV

Percy's been in the infirmary for three days now and we still don't have any news. Annabeth hasn't left his side and we never did finish our game of Truth or Dare.

During the game, Percy had looked a little off. And then he randomly started coughing, and then coughing up blood. I've never coughed up blood before, and it did not look like fun.

Then he started throwing up and it looked and sounded very painful. After that, Frank carried him off to the infirmary and we haven't seen Percy since.

Today, Leo and I were engaging in a stealth operation. Or, in other words, we were going to spy and see if we could get some information. Hey, I'm worried for my bro. Gotta problem with that?

Anyway, we dressed in all black and Leo smudged grease on our faces so we didn't look suspicious at all. We tiptoed dramatically and lunged from building to building.

Katie snorted when she saw us. Meany.

We snuck in the Big House and crept down the creaky hallway, each step giving away our position.

We leaned our ears against the door with Percy's name on it and listened. We heard a groan and someone talking. I think Annabeth was talking to Will maybe?

Suddenly the talking stopped. Annabeth called from the inside of the room, "You Guys can come in." How did she know!

We sheepishly walked in the door and Will laughed at our appearance. I looked at Percy and my heart stopped.

He was lying in a bed with thin sheets and his hair hung limply in his eyes, his brow was covered in sweat and his skin was too pale to be healthy.

He had Dark bags under his eyes and his lips were cracked and peeling. Long story short, he looked horrible.

"What happened?" Leo gasped.

"That's the problem," Annabeth grumbled miserably, "we don't know."

Percy groaned in pain and leaned over the side of the bed, his eyes still closed, and threw up.

"He's been doing that constantly and he can't keep anything down. Even water isn't helping!" Annabeth sniffled and I knew then that she had been crying.

I walked over and hugged her, a good brotherly hug. She pulled away after a little while and wiped her eyes. "Thanks Jason. I'll give you guys updates."

And then we continued our journey back to my cabin to change out of these ridiculous outfits.


Sorry that chapter was really super duper short. I kinda just needed a filler because I haven't updated in this story for a long time. I'm kind of losing interest and I have serious writer's block and I'm currently in the middle of a different story called New York Isn't Big Enough For The Both Of Us and I'm really getting into that one now. Tell me what you think. Remember to vote and comment. See ya demigods:)

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