Please Don't Go

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Jason's POV

The next morning we were all packed up and ready to go. The Seven(minus Percy), Reyna, Nico, and Will would be going. Nico said the closest entrance to Tartarus was in the Underworld, so yay. Never been, so this aught to be fun.

We were getting ready to leave, but Annabeth insisted she say goodbye to Percy, so I decided to tag along.

She knocked on his door first and when there was no answer, she entered. Percy was laying in bed in cozy grey sweatpants and a white T. His skin was pale and clammy, dark circles under his eyes.

He was looking out the window at the Camp grounds. He had a perfect view of the climbing wall. Annabeth sat on the bed and ruffled his hair.

He finally turned to look at her, licking his dry and cracked lips. His skin had a yellowish papery tint to it that I found concerning.

"I'm going away for a little while. Shouldn't be longer than a day or two," Annabeth said. Percy's eyes narrowed. "Where are you going?" He asked. His voice was so hoarse, my own vocal chords ached in sympathy.

"On a quest. You need a cure. Tar— he has it and I'm gonna get it." Like I suspected, Percy immediately started shaking his head.

"No," he croaked, "you can't go."

"Yes I can. You need it so that's what we're gonna do."

"Annabeth, please, listen to me. It's dangerous. You can't risk your life for me. I won't allow it," Percy was all out pleading with her.

Annabeth's lower lip trembled. "I love you so much Percy. And I'm sorry." Percy's eyebrows shot up in question.

"But it's not up to you," Annabeth finished. She cranked the morphine on his IV. Percy realized what she was doing right away and his eyes went wide in surprise...and betrayal. He looked hurt, of all things. He fumbled for the IV line and made to pull it out, but the morphine was already kicking in and his eyelids started to droop.

Typically, demigods have a higher metabolism than humans, so it takes a fair amount of that to actually sedate him. The fact that it kicked in so quickly only proves how out of it he really is.

Percy was out in the next second. Annabeth exhaled, shaking out her hands and standing. She planted a quick kiss on his forehead, muttering "love you" as she did so. Then we exited the room. Nico was waiting for us at the bottom of the stairs.

He led us to the van waiting to take us to Central Park.

The whole ride was quiet and somber. No one talked, either scared or anxious(hell, maybe even both) about what was to come.

Hey everyone! How have you been? The song I used up top is Please Don't Go by Joel Adams. It inspired the chapter because I've been listening to it all day! So, remember to vote and comment. Love you demigods:)

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