Painting A Picture

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Leo's POV

"That's where I come in."

Rachel walked into the room, looking all mysterious. I don't know how she succeeded at doing that since she had a canvas under one arm and a sack of paints in the other.

"Rachel's going to try something called 'automatic painting'," Annabeth explained. "She's going to enter a prophetic trance and try to paint whoever cursed Percy so we can take back the curse."

Rachel sat at the table, pushing me out of my seat mind you, and set up her canvas. She squirted all kinds of paints on a palette and got out her brush. "Are you ready?" Annabeth asked, anxiously standing over Rachel's shoulder.

"Yep. Now nobody talk to me," she said before closing her eyes. Her paint brush hover over the palette for a few seconds, wavering from color to color as Rachel breathed deeply. Her breathing hitched, causing us all to jump and she thrust her brush forward, finding the red. That can't be good.

She smeared red across the canvas, moving in strange jerky thrusts. After red, she mixed in some purple, then black. I leaned forward in my seat in order to get a better look at what she was painting. It looked like a shadowy purple person with glowing red eyes.

Annabeth banged her head against the wall, startling Rachel out of her trance. "You've got to be kidding me," Annabeth groaned.

"What?" I asked, "what is it?"

Annabeth took another long look at the canvas. Rachel was studying it too, with a frown. "Tartarus," she said, stomping out of the room.

"Well schist."

Hey y'all! I've been writing a lot today and I decided to try this book. So there's your chapter! I haven't quite figured out how they're going to get to Tartarus yet, but that will come. Remember to vote and comment and have a great day! Love you demigods:)

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