Chapter 19

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Oh Evan Evan did a wrong choice. Good thing that I saw Jack call the cops when I was talking to Evan so that means that the cops are gonna come at any second while we are here beating each other's asses. I can't wait to fuck that ass once we go back.

"How are you not tired?!" Evan asked me as he backed up gripping his bleeding arm that I may of had caused with a glass shard. I ran out of bullets for shooting at the four tires of their car. I stayed silent as I counted down the second left.


He ran up to me swinging his fist at me, but I blocked it.


I knee his stomach which made him grunt of the sudden pain growing in him.


"Fuck him up Delirious!" "Beat his ass!" "Kill him!!" "Make him suffer!" The crowd yelled out as I gripped his mask that was slightly scratched and covered with our own blood.


"You clearly must be bleeding underneath that mask of yours." I tell him as I kick his injured leg which made him growl in pain. "You fucking asshole!" He hissed out as I threw him to dirt floor and stepped on his chest near his neck.


"Don't make me hurt you more Vanoss. You're already in so much pain. Just give yourself in or else." I tell him dead serious as I put pressure on his chest.


He stayed quiet as he gripped my foot, trying to take it off him. "Whats wrong? Can't breathe?" I teased as I smirk slightly behind the mask.


"Stop..." "What? I need a full sentence." I tell him. "Please stop sir...I give up..." He mumbled out as his grip on my foot started to loosen up.


I take my foot away and pick him, placing him over my shoulders. Everyone started cheering as I drag the four assholes to my car. "In now!" I order them so they get in the back seat quick.


I put Evan in passenger seat and he just sat there panting for air. His chest rising up and down quick.


"The cops are here!! Everyone run!!" People started to panic and get in their vehicles quick as gun shots and screaming could be heard. "You four, hand me your phones now!" I tell them which they immediately throw it on my lap. I throw them out the car window and lock every door.

"Zero..." I mumble as I start the engine and drove off quickly. The guys started to panic in the back seat by how fast I was going. "CAR!!" The yell at the same time as a cop car was about to hit us from side. I hit the breaks quickly which made the cop drive past us quick and hit a tree.

"We are gonna die!" Pewdiepie yelled out as he gripped both Jack's and Mark's hair. Evan just sat there probably fainted because his head was dangling low, the only thing holding him in place was the seatbelt.

The exit was blocked by multiple cop cars. I grin wide having an idea appear in my head. "Under your seat there are C4s. Hand them to me." I tell the idiots as I drove around in circles. They grab them and hand them to me slowly. I roll down the window and threw one at the back of a parked cop car that was blocking the entrance.

I take out a small controller and press the red button which made the bombs explode and send all the cop cars flying. I drove in the exit which passed by all the exploded cars.

A small chuckle slip out of my mouth as I drove out of their place and head over to my crib.


I immediately sat up, touching every part of my body that was all wrapped up in bandages and a bandaid on my nose. I look down my body seeing I didn't have any clothes on except my boxers, even my owl mask was off.

"Del! What you did was dangerous! He lost to much blood and the bullet wound reopened." I heard Brock yell out from outside the room.

Now that I see the room, it was different. I was on a twin size white bed with a some tubes and wires connected in my body. The walls were a light cream color. I touch my ears making sure that my hearing aids were still there which they were.

The sound of the door opening was heard so I look over at it and see an angry looking Brock with Jonathan following him from behind. Jon had a few bandages on his hands and head, but's his mask was still on him.

"Oh thank god you're awake." Brock said as he ran up to me and gave a soft hug which felt warm. "How long was I asleep?" I asked him feeling my throat soar. "The whole night." He told me as he glared over at Jonathan who only looked away from his glare.

"Why good morning pussy bitch!" Tyler said as he walked in with the whole gang walking in too. "Evan are you hungry?" Lui asked me as he stood by my side with a goofy grin. "K-Kinda." I said as I heard my stomach grumble, begging for food.

"Nogla! To the kitchen!" Lui told him as they both immediately ran out to probably make some food. "Idiots." Tyler said with Brian slightly agreeing. "Oh Jon! I put the four fucks in the basement cells." Tyler told him which only got a small nod in response.

"Oh I forgot to do this." Brocal said as walked up to both Jon and Tyler, giving them a hard slap on their face. "What the hell was that for?!" Tyler asked him shocked as Jon just rubbed his face, taking his mask off.

"For this." Brock said taking out his phone showing them something that made their faces turn red. Craig looked over at what Brock was showing them and gasped slapping them too.

"I don't want you two near Evan or else I will beat your asses." Brock threaten them as I just sat there clueless of what is happening. "He is gonna be staying with me so don't even try fucking him because I'll be watching." Brock said as my face turned red now realizing what he meant.

"Oh shit..." Brian cursed out as he just watched. Craig walked up to me and gave a soft hug while Lui and Nogla walked in with a plate of food.

Jonathan sighed and walked out of the room with Tyler followed him from behind with his head hanging low. "Way to go babe." Brian cheered for Brock with a cheeky grin.

So Brock is like the mother of this gang.

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