Chapter seventeen

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Ophelia sat up in her bed and ran a hand through her hair. She bit her lip and threw her cover's off. She got out the bed and scampered to the window. She pulled the curtains open and bit her thumb. She would be going back today. It had been two years since she was last in Birmingham. Two years since her Aunt and Uncle sent her off to live with her uncles brother. Last she heard of Birmingham was Kimber was dead.

There was a light knock on the door. She wrapped her gown around her and turned around to see Harry coming in. "Simon has breakfast ready, he wants to know if your all packed". Ophelia nodded her head and turned again to grab the dress she had hanging up. She heard the click of the door and she sighed.

She shook her head not knowing why she was being silly. Its not like they remembered her at all. Tommy had probably moved on. She opened her case and she gently packed her night gown and dressing gown in. She quickly got dressed and made her way down stairs.

There uncle John had a bad heart attack and Mary couldn't look after him herself, so Ophelia said she would come back. The boys wanted to come to, not wanting to be away from her. Ophelia smiled at simon and ate her breakfast. She didn't really get on with Simon, non of them did.

She ran upstairs after cleaning her plates and her brothers. She made sure she had every packed. She tugged on her coat and wrapped her scarf around her neck. She picked up her cases and made her way down stairs.

She smiled at Charlie and Harry as they came out there room carrying there cases. Simon handed Ophelia money and glared at her. "Make sure you and those brats never come back here". She pouted and silently cursed him. "Goodbye Simon". She turned and made her way out the house.

Her and the boys made there way up to the train station. She looked around at the place she called home for the past two years and she knew she wouldn't miss it. It wasn't Birmingham. As much as she wanted to deny it, she knew this was never her home. London wasn't even her home. She bought the train tickets and they bordered the train. Charlie and Harry sat across from her, they where both slightly frowning.

She knew they didn't like travelling. She smiled softly and rested her head against the window. It only felt like five minutes since she closed her eyes but she could feel a tugging on her arm. She opened her eyes to see Harry and Charlie putting there coats on. "The man said we're nearly at Birmingham".

She nodded her head and sat up. She pulled her coat on and wrapped her scarf once again around her neck. She stood up and pulled down her cases as well as her brothers. They made there way to the door and stood beside it. The train slowly came to a halt and the doors slowly opened.

Ophelia stepped off the train and let out a sigh. It was just like two years ago, when they stepped off the train. This time it was different, Mary and John weren't here to collect them. Ophelia smiled at her brothers and they made there way out of the train station.

"Hasn't changed much has it?". Ophelia asked quietly. Charlie and Harry nodded slowly in agreement. They walked slowly through the town, everyone's eyes on them. They all remembered the face of Ophelia. Plenty of men remembered her as the beautiful bar maid at the Garrison and the women as the helpful young women who would do anything for free.

Ophelia smiled at passers by. They came to the door of there Aunts and Uncles. Ophelia took a deep breath and gently knocked on the door. Mary slowly opened the door. A smile etching on her wrinkled face. She pulled Ophelia into a fierce hug. "You haven't changed a bit". She whispered pulling her hair out of her face.

She swooped down and grabbed Charlie then Harry. She told them how much she missed them. She beckoned them in, telling them to leave there cases in the hall. Ophelia looked around the and smiled. It hadn't changed a bit.

They walked into the living room. Ophelia smiled when she looked at John sitting down in his seat. His walking stick was placed beside him. He smiled weakly when he saw them. Ophelia knelt beside him. "Hi John". She said. He lifted his hand and gently stroked her face. "Ophelia". He said softly. He smiled over at the boys.

Ophelia stood up and wrapped her arms around Mary. She smiled, she was happy to be home. "I know this is a bother but will you pop to the bakery I need to pick up a loaf of bread but I don't want to leave the dinner". Ophelia smiled at her. Mary's hand lifted up and gently rubbed the scar on Ophelia's chin.

Ophelia slowly turned and left the house. She bit the inside of her cheek. It was when she was thrown to the ground. Ophelia made her way up to the bakery. She passed the Garrison and smiled softly. She remembered all the good times she had in there. She went into the bakery and smiled giving the order.

She stood there and she couldn't help but listen to a small group of women talking. "Poor Ada, she's burying Freddie today's isn't she" one women said. Ophelia frowned. Her heart broke for Ada. "He had pestilence (Spanish influenza) didn't he". Ophelia thanked the man and walked out of the bakery. She was shocked to hear that Freddie had died.

She felt bad for Ada and Karl. She smiled softly at the thought of baby Karl, he'd be two now. She was walking past the Garrison when it blew up. She fell to the ground looking up at the blazing flames. Tears forming in her eyes. She felt someone lifting her up from the ground. She just wished no one was inside.

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