chapter fifty eight

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The next few days where not good ones, everyone kept together trying to stay safe. Ophelia still went to work but always had a few peaky blinders with her. They all raised the question that maybe they decided to back off and leave the Shelby's alone, but they where wrong. It was a normal Thursday for everyone in Small Heath, everyone except the Shelby's that is. They always looked behind there shoulder to see if anyone was following. Ophelia finished her shift and made her way home, Tommy's men following her ensuring her safety. When she walked into her home she did not expect to see what her eyes witnessed. The Italians had launched another attack on the Peaky Blinders and this time there intended victim was Arthur. Tommy looked up from cleaning his brothers face as Polly was checking for any broken bones. "The two bastards jumped me". He yelled. Ophelia walked over to him and finished cleaning his face. She got a few plasters out and placed them over the cuts to keep them clean. "Hey magic fingers". He muttered giving her a crooked smile. She smiled back at him and moved his hair out of his face. She placed a kiss on his forehead and turned around filling the kettle to make everyone a hot drink.

"This is getting out if hand we need to stop this Tommy do something or I will". Polly said glaring at her nephew. Ophelia placed down the tray of tea and handed everyone a mug. "Last time I checked Pol I'm in charge around here so you won't do anything without my orders". She slammed her hands down on the table causing Charles to start cry. Ophelia went over to her son and lifted him up. "Don't you think I am trying Pol huh I have lost my god damn brother, I nearly lost another today. Not to mention that he came into my home where my wife and child are and threatened to kill each of you one by one and then just today there was a strike at the Lanchester factory. Can you shut him up please". He turned his head to Ophelia his eyes flaring. Ophelia glared at him and stormed out the kitchen slamming the door behind her. "I mean it Thomas I will sort it out". She shook her head and stormed out.

Everyone in the kitchen sat in silence. "What ever decision you make I'll be behind you brother". Arthur said reaching for his mug. "I want those bastards dead". Linda stood up and said. "I'm just going to talk to Ophelia". She made her way upstairs to Charles's room. He was lying in his bed crying hysterically. "Please baby just shhhh". Ophelia said, trying to sooth her son. After a few minutes he stopped, he began to suck his thumb. "Are you okay?" Linda asked. Ophelia looked at her and sighed. "Not really I can't believe he shouted at me to shut Charles up. I mean he has shouted at me before but never to Charles". Linda nodded and sat down. "I feel its just the stress its getting to h and he's taking it out on people. And its getting to me to but I feel sick all the time. I've been getting sick the past few mornings".

Linda smiled and said. "Do you think your pregnant". Ophelia bit her lip and nodded. "I'm not sure like I said I've been stressed and I've skipped my period but you can always skip it when stressed right". Linda nodded and said. "Its better to be sure, I can take you to the doctors if you like". Ophelia smiled and nodded. "Thank you". She whispered. She looked down at her sleeping son. "You grab your coat, I'll tell the men we're just popping to the shops". Ophelia nodded and made her way to her bedroom, her hand placed on her stomach. If she was pregnant she would be chuffed but then there's Changretta, he wanted her dead, he would also be murdering a innocent child. She made her way down the stairs and walked into the kitchen. Tommy's eyes averted to him hands when she walked in. "Be careful okay take two men with you". Arthur said kissing his wife. The two women left the house with there arms hooked. Of course two of the blinders came with them.

They walked towards the doctors. Ophelia spun around and warned the two men. "There will be no speak of this to men okay I mean it". They nodded there heads and followed the two women inside. Everyone looked up when they entered. Men tipped there hats to them. The secretary looked up. She was a new girl, clearly new. "M..Mrs Shelby can I help you". She said. She was nervous. Linda answered for Ophelia. "We think she's pregnant". The secretary nodded and said. "Doctor Carter is free right now if you would like to see him". Ophelia nodded and followed her as Linda sat down in the waiting area.

The Secretary knocked on the door. She opened it and said "Mrs Shelby is here sir". He muttered. "Let her in". She moved out the way and Ophelia entered. Carter was the one who told her she was pregnant with Charles. "How are you Mrs Shelby?" He asked spinning his chair around to face her. She sat up on the bed. She told him how she felt and about her morning sickness. He told her to lay down and he did some tests on her. She lay there for what felt like eternity waiting for the results to come in. "Mrs Shelby". Doctor Carters voice brought her back to life. "You are indeed pregnant". She looked back up to the ceiling and felt a tear fall down her cheek. "Thank you doctor". She muttered ad he lead her to the door. He told her to take it easy and to come to him in a months time. She walked to where Linda was who looked up. She frowned when she walked straight out of the doctors. Linda got up with the two men. "I'm pregnant". She whispered to Linda who pulled her into a hug. "Let's get you home". She whispered. 


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