chapter seventy six

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After her talk with Changretta, Ophelia had rushed home. She had told Tommy everything that had happened. She thought he would be angry like he was when he found out she had been with Changretta alone. This time he just sat there, a cool expression on his face as he rested his elbow onto the arm of the sofa. He began to slowly twirl his fingers looking into a dead space. Arthur though, he was the angry one.

"What the fuck so he literally followed you there?" Tommy I have a plan. You go meet him like planned and then we will hide and then when the fucker least expects it we will attack". Tommy's jaw twitched. "And we keep him for last. It's okay for him to treat us with this..". He was immediately cut of by Tommy who stood up. "No Arthur we are not doing that". He walked over to the fire place and grabbed a box of matches from the fire place. He pulled one out and with a swift hand lighted his cigarette. He threw the match into the fire and turned around. Ophelia sat on the arm of the chair he had just been in.

"Go over what he exactly said". Tommy muttered. She felt everyone's eyes on her in the room. "He told me that he will give back Charles and Charlie if I hand over you. Tomorrow we are meant to meet and he will hand over the boys and you will go to him. He didn't say where or when". Tommy nodded and sighed. He pinched his eyes shut with his thumb and index finger. "Why didn't you ask?" Arthur shouted. Tommy walked up to him and pushed him away from Ophelia. "Leave her alone Arthur". He growled.

After a few minutes he looked at Ophelia. His blue eyes icy. He sat on the chair beside her, his hand resting on her thigh. Her hand immediately placed onto his. "So what's the plan Tommy?" Arthur asked. Tommy licked his bottom lip and answered. "I don't know". All there heads snapped up when they heard the front door being knocked. Arthur, Michael and Harry all pulled out there guns. "Stay right behind me". Arthur whispered as the three men left the sitting room. "Do you think it's him?" Ophelia asked. Tommy shook his head unsure. After a few seconds of dead silence the front door was slammed shut. And the three men entered again, tucking there guns back into there trousers. "A letter was left for you on the door step". Arthur muttered handing Tommy the white envelope. Tommy flipped the letter open and sighed. Ophelia looked down at the letter, biting her bottom lip.

"Mr Shelby,
I understand your dear wife told you about are little meeting, what a wonderful women she is. To the point though I want to meet you at the same place we took your son.

If and you should know me by now Thomas, if you bring any of your men with you I'll have to kill your son and your lovely wife. And I really don't want to because me and her have a wonderful friendship".

Ophelia could see Tommy getting angry as he read the letter, his hand shaking with anger.

"So I will meet you at 06:00, be on time Mr Shelby I don't like to be kept waiting. Oh and say hello to Ophelia for me she rushed of really quickly I didn't get a chance to say goodbye".

Tommy handed the letter to Arthur. Michael and Harry behind him reading the letter to. Ophelia looked down at Tommy who was staring at the floor. "Tommy". She said softly. He looked up at her and she could see he defeat in her husbands eyes. "Don't tell me your going to go through this Thomas". Arthur said. Tommy looked away from his wife and turned his attention to his brother. "Yes Arthur I am".

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