chapter twenty one

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Ophelia opened the front door and stepped out giving the door a firm shut. Today she was going to look for a job. She was going to dry and get a night one because during the day it was harder to look after John. She wanted to help Mary and John. She also wanted Mary to have a rest. She stepped down from the cobbled steps. She turned and she bumped into someone. She was knocked hard to the ground. She winced as her elbows hit the pavement hard. "Ophelia". A deep voice said. She looked up and her eyes went wide. "John".

He blinked a few times and placed his hand out for her to grab."How long have you been back?" He asked. She smiled weakly and answered. "Only a couple of days". He nodded and looked her over. He had missed her dearly, they all did. His eyes travelled up to her face and his insides knotted. He looked at the scar on her chin and silently curse Kimber. He pulled her into a tight hug. After a few minutes she asked."What happened to The Garrison?"

He pulled back and rubbed the back of his neck and muttered. "IRA". She bit her lip, unable to speak. "I'm really sorry Ophelia but I have to run Tommy is in hospital". John said. Ophelia's eyes widened. She was beyond shocked. "Come with me the family would love to see you". He said hopefully. Ophelia nodded her head, unsure why. She didn't expect them to remember her but she was glad they did.

She got into the car with John and strapped herself in. She knew how fast he liked to drive. "What happened to him?" Ophelia asked. She could notice his hands gripping the steering wheel. "Some man called Sabini from London attacked him, tried to rape our Ada thank god that Campbell saved 'em". She hit her lip shocked that this could happen. Ada had been put through enough, with Freddie dying.

"Whilst you where in London did you ever hear of a man called Sabini". He asked. She bit her lip and shook her head. Where they lived they it was in the country side. The ride to the hospital was silent. John parked up and they both got out. Ophelia ran behind John. She was clutching her coat.

"Thomas Shelby". John said in a rushed tone. The nurse looked up and said. "Room 213". He nodded and ran off again. Ophelia frowned and followed him. They both ran up the stairs Ophelia slowly in case she fell because of her heels. "Arthur is he okay?" John asked. Arthur turned around and his eyes widened. "Ophelia". He muttered. Polly, Ada, Finn and Esme all turned around. Polly smiled widely and made her way towards her pulling her into a warm hug.

"I thought I'd never see you again". She whispered. Ophelia smiled. "I missed you". She whispered. Polly pulled away and Ophelia was once again pulled into a hug by Ada. Finn gave her a light hug and Arthur lifted her. "I've missed you". He said. She smiled as he let her down. "Is he okay?" She asked.

Arthur nodded and led her into his room. Ophelia frowned when she saw him lying on the bed. His eyes where shut tightly. A scar running down his cheek. She sighed and walked over to his bed. She sat down lightly on his bed. She grabbed his hand. "He's been in and out all morning". She could hear Arthur saying to John. "Just wait until we get are hands on him". John said. Ophelia smiled, she knew that was Johns character, shoot first, think later.

She frowned when she heard shouting from outside, the door had burst open. Ophelia whipped her head around and frowned when she saw Campbell. "You out now". He said clicking his fingers. She could see John and Arthur giving him death glares from behind. She didn't want to cause a scene so she stood.

Tommy's hand clenched tighter when she stood. Her eyes travelled from his hand up to his face. His eyes slowly began to flutter. She smiled slightly when she saw those blue eyes that had haunted her dreams for the past two years. He looked up at her and frowned slightly. "Ophelia". He muttered. She sat back down and nodded.

"I am one for happy reunions and all but I want you out now, I have to talk to Shelby". Campbell said tapping his foot impatiently. Tommy sat up slowly in his bed and said. "Anything you want to say you can say in front of her". Campbell glared and turner around. He shut the open door and turned back coming closer to Tommy. "Ok if you want your little whore to find out Thomas, I know that you have committed murder, for the IRA no less. You have been under surveillance for some time. I'd be careful from now on because one more step out of line your done for. I don't no which sounds better knowing I'll be the reason the notorious Thomas Shelby is put behind bars for life or the fact Thomas Shelby will be gone for ever". He turned around and started to leave. He opened the door and walked off. All the Shelby's came running in.

"What did he say to you Tommy?". Polly asked. They where all quite worried. "Just to watch my back, he wants me away still". He slowly looked at Ophelia. She smiled softly and looked down to her lap. She knew Tommy mustn't of told them about the IRA. "Well we'll leave you two to catch up, we have business to do back home". Polly said. She smiled at Ophelia and gave her a kiss on the cheek. She turned to Tommy and lightly kissed his forehead. She sighed softly and left. She loved the boys like they where her own, she just hoped she could find her own children.

"I never thought I'd see you again". Tommy said. Ophelia looked up at him. His eyes where like a magnetic pull. "I..same if I'm honest. It wasn't my idea to leave it was Mary and Johns. After...what Kimber did to me frightened them. They wanted me away so they sent me and the boys to Manchester. Oh Tommy I hated it there. It was nothing like Birmingham. I found out that John had a heart attack so we came back to help Mary". Tommy smiled slightly. He missed her saying his name, he missed her kindness and he missed her beautiful eyes. In fact he missed her. Of course he would never admit it.

"Your back now, that's all that counts. I'm.. I'm sorry about what happened that day if I could go back in time to change it I would". Tommy said. His eyes travelled down to her chin where her scar was. It was a distinctive scar. But she was still beautiful. "What happened after I left?". Tommy sighed and answered. "Well Freddie came and he had the missing guns with him. Ada jumped in the middle of everything, she tried her best to try and bring peace but I knew it wouldn't work. Kimber started to fire off at the Blinders. I got shot and...he killed Danny so in turn I shot him dead". Ophelia's mouth was slightly open. Danny was dead. She knew he faked his death last time but this time he really was dead. She didn't know him that well but from what she did no he was lovely.

"And now a man called Sabini is after you, can you never stay away from trouble Mr Shelby". She said smiling softly. She placed her hand on his cheek. He smiled gently at her. "So your staying for good?" He asked. Ophelia nodded and looked at his scar. He knew she was looking at it but he didn't mind. Tommy was happy Ophelia was back this time he had to keep her safe.

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