chapter thirty one

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It had been a few days after the Shelbys successfully won against Sabini. It had also been a few days since Michael said he wanted in on the business. Of course Polly was livid, not wanting her son to be involved with anything dangerous but she eventually subsided allowing him to join. She knew it was up to Tommy if he wanted Michael involved. Which he did but he waited for his aunts permission to allow him to join.

Ophelia walked into the Shelby household. Charlie ran up the stairs to Finn's room. She was told whilst she was at work he was free to join Finn. When she entered the kitchen she saw there was no one around. On the table lay one of the caps. That's how they got there name, the peaky blinders, by the hair cut and the hat that had a razor sown inside. She lifted it up and inspected it. The sight of the hat would make anyone run. She lifted it up and placed it on her head, it was surprisingly comfortable. She knew that men and women cower when they saw any of the blinders, especially in there trade work caps. "What are you doing?" A deep voice asked. She spun around and pulled the cap of to see an amused Tommy standing in the door way. "I was just trying on the hat but I've concluded it looks much better on you". She answered walking up to him. She placed the hat on his head and smiled. He looked down at her and quickly pushed her back. Her back hitting the table. She opened her mouth to speak but as soon as it opened Tommy's lips found her's. Ophelia instantly started to kiss him back. She wanted this for ages. He slowly lifted her up on the table. Her hands raised up and pulled his cap of her hands going into his hair.

They both pulled apart at the sound of John and Arthur entering the house. Ophelia got down from the table. John opened the door and smiled, Arthur followed in behind him. Both oblivious that they would of entered there brother and Ophelia making out. "I better get to work". She said quickly leaving the house. Her head was going over different reasons of why Tommy would kiss her. She knew why she kissed him. She had fallen in love with him. She had ever since she first met him. She sighed and entered the Garrison. She grabbed her apron and wrapped it around her waist. But all she could think about was Tommy. It was around five pm when the Shelby's walked in, making there way into the private room. The window opened and Arthur stood there. "Alright 'arry bottle of dark rum and five glasses". Harry nodded and turned around placing everything on the tray. Ophelia turned her head and smiled at Arthur. In return he winked back at her. She turned her head back to the person she was serving. She smiled when Harry and Michael walked in. They both became good friends, they both where the same age and they had the same likes. "Can we have two more glasses Ophelia". Harry said. She nodded and handed over the glasses. She smiled and watched as they entered the private room.

Ophelia sighed and placed her to elbows on the counter. Her head placed on her palms. It wasn't that busy in the pub and the only noise you could hear was the loud laughter from the Shelby's. Ophelia smirked slightly and shook her head. Harry had gone to the pictures with his lady friend, which meant it was only her. She stood up straight when she saw a well dressed man walk in. "Just grabbing this love". John said grabbing another bottle. She nodded and looked back to the man.

"Ophelia Winterbourne". He said. She nodded her head frowning slightly. "My name is Tony Brady I errr I fought with you brother Bradley in the war". Ophelia's mouth slightly opened. She wrapped her arms around her. "I...I went to your house in London but your neighbor's said you moved to Birmingham. I wanted to come but I couldn't live with the guilt". Ophelia frowned and asked. "What guilt?" He licked his bottom lip and answered. "Your brother took the bullet that was meant for me. A first we all thought he was fine, we got to camp and that night his screams could be heard. His wound was infected by something, he died and that was meant to be me". Ophelia stood there in pure shock. She knew her brother died, they got the letter saying he died but they where never told how. "These are for you. There was a few things on him when he died and a few letters he couldn't send. I understand if you hate me but I'm here til Friday if you need to talk". He handed her a brown bag and a small piece of paper with his hotel. Ophelia watched as he left. She looked down at the bag and opened it with shaky hands.

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