chapter fifty

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Ophelia got into the car and pulled her seat belt on. She smiled at Michael softly. "So what do you think about all of this". He asked starting the car. She sighed and answered. "Terrible, I don't think we can deal with anyone dying". He nodded his head in agreement. "I never thanked you". Ophelia said quietly looking out of the window. He turned his head to the side slightly looking at her before turning back to the road. "Thanked me for what?" He asked. She looked at him and said. "Saving Charles risking your own life to save him". Michael smiled softly and said. "I did nearly die but I kept fighting to save him. He's just an innocent boy thrown into this mess". Ophelia smiled sadly silently agreeing with him. "I kept thinking of you though when I was looking for him". She looked up at him and asked innocently. "Me?" He nodded and said. "I can see how much you love Charles and your one of my close friends". She smiled up at him and gently placed her hand on his knee, squeezing it. "Thank you Michael".

He smiled at her and said. "Thank you too for looking after me". She looked up at him and smiled. "I killed Hughes". He said softly. Ophelia looked at him and said. "He deserved it Michael you have done the world a better job". He smiled softly at her and sighed. "Have you ever thought what your life would be like if you didn't move back here?" He asked. Ophelia raised her eyebrow and answered. "I wouldn't be sitting here with you, or I would never of had Charles". He smiled and said. "You would never of been shot either". She let out a laugh and shook her head. "And I wouldn't of been shot". She smiled and looked down at her hands. "What about you? What if you never came to small heath". She turned in her seat. He raised an eyebrow. He himself never thought if the idea what his life would be like. "I have no idea". She smiled at him and said. "Take a left here". He smiled at her showing his thanks.

They slowly pulled up outside of John's and Esme's house. Ophelia got out of the car and followed Michael to the door. She was about to knock when Esme swung the door open. "Michael, Ophelia". She said stepping out of the house. John followed after her and said. "Wait right there Esme". He said. "I'll talk to her". Michael said. Ophelia looked at John. "How are you". She asked, following him out. He sighed and said. "Okay how are you?" She smiled softly and said. "I'm good you got the letter?" He nodded and asked. "What's Tommy going to do about it?" She answered. "He wants you and Esme at home now he fears they will attack Christmas day". He sighed and looked at Esme for a moment. He turned back to Ophelia.

"I've missed you". He said pulling her into a hug. She smiled and whispered. "I missed you too, Tommy does to". He let out a small laugh. "I miss that bastard too". He sighed when he heard Esme shouting at Michael. He tucked a piece of Ophelia's hair over her ear. "You no I love you right". She smiled at him and said. "I love you too". He frowned when he saw a cart pull up. He pulled out his gun and shoved Ophelia out the way. He started to shoot. Ophelia could see Michael pushing Esme into the house when he got shot in the back. Tears started to fall down Ophelia's face as John slumped to the ground in front of her. The cart pulled off. Ophelia crawled her way towards John. She let out a scream as his eyes where lifeless, he was indeed dead.

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