chapter thirty six

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Ophelia turned around in her bed and smiled up at her husband as he lay there. She gently ran her fingers down his bear chest and sighed. "I have to go to the Lanchester Factory today love to inspect armoured vehicles". He said softly. Ophelia looked up and met Thomas' eyes. "Be careful" she whispered lifting herself up to gently kiss him. "When am I ever". He said smirking. She gently glared at him and watched as he got out of bed dressing his self. Ophelia sighed and lay back looking up at the ceiling. She frowned when she heard Charles screaming. She got up and ran to his room. He sat up straight in his bed, tears running down his red cheeks. She lifted him up and sat in his bed gently rocking him.

Ophelia got dressed and dropped of Charles with Esme. She made her garrsion for work. She had persuaded Tommy to let her stay there. She after all deserved to work. She gave the money she received to Mary and John. She stepped in behind the bar and gently smiled at people. They where all frightened when ever they saw her. It was because she was married to Tommy but they could see she was much nicer then her husband. She was still the same women she was before she married Tommy. It was around five when her husband and his brothers walked in. "Do you mind looking after the bar for a moment". She asked Harry. She made her way inside with a bottle of rum and three glasses. "How was the meeting". She asked placing the bottle down. Tommy looked up as he was lighting his cigarette. "It went well I went to the Ritz Hotel to meet Mr. Romanov. He payed me for the murder of Kaledin. Whilst that was happening these two where having a meeting with Vicente Changretta, who demanded a explanation for the burning down of his sons restaurant. John ignored his questions and threatened him. And after Changretta vowed to murder him, John beated and cut Angel Changretta". Tommy shook his head and drank his drink sighing.

"He's a man" John said when he saw the look on Ophelia's face. She looked at him and said. "I never doubted you John. So what you think you'll go into war with him now?" She asked. Tommy shook his head. She sighed and sat down. "Well we will be more ready this time. More ready then we where with Kimber and Sabini". Tommy looked at his wife and smiled softly. He did love her dearly.
"Call for a family meeting tonight tell Pol and the boys what happened they all have the right to no". She stood up and kissed her husband before leaving the room.

Thomas went to the Shelby Parlour the next day. He got taken to a prison cell by London coppers and is greeted by Father Hughes. Hughes tells Thomas he will kill Charlie if Tommy visits his sister Ada again, due to her communist connections and that he has easy access to his family. Tommy glared at the man he thought he would do good business with. Be made his way home wondering what he should do. When he got home he smiled at the sight if Ophelia and Charles asleep on the sofa. Hr gently tapped Ophelia's arm. She woke up and smiled at him. "Hey". She said sleepily. "Hey". He whispered gently taking Charles from her. They both made there way upstairs. Ophelia went into there bedroom whilst he lay Charles down gently. He tucked him in and smiled at his son. His smile soon dropped when he heard Ophelia screaming for him. He ran into there room and frowned when she was holding a card. He took it of his wife who was now sitting in the bed crying. He flipped it open and gis jaw clenched. In a small print it read. "Charles Shelby - R.I.P.". He looked at his wife and held onto her swearing he would kill anyone who dared hurt his child.

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