chapter sixty three

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Ophelia raised her eyebrow as he came storming into the kitchen. At this percise moment she was stood over the over stiring the food in the pan for dinner. Since she told Tommy about factory Changretta coming into the Garrison he had ordered her to stay at home, saying it was much safer here then out there. "What's wrong?" She asked turning down the heat. She turned to look at her husband. He was sitting down pouring his self a drink. "Whats wrong?" He asked. She nodded slightly rolling her eyes at him repeating her answer. "I'll twll you whats wrong Ophelia, the goddamn factory, that's what's wrong. And not to mention the communists will win and then I'll be deemed a traitor". He flung his glass at the wall making ophelia jump.

"Tommy". She said glaring at him. "Just beat them to there own game show them who is boss and for gods sake Tommy stop smashing my glasses". She turned her back on him and turned the heat on. Tipping a few more ingredients into it. "And you can clean that mess up. And once you've done that call your brothers and get Charles down for dinner looks like we have to have a meeting during dinner then". She flicked her hair over her shoulder and started to get the plates out. On the corner of her eye she could see Tommy cleaning up, a small smirk on her face as she shook her head.

He left the room and went to retrieve Michael and the others. He went up stairs and lifted Charles up who was busy playing his toys with Finn and Charlie. They all too much there seats, Arthur grinnng at the sight of food. "After dinner we will be heading down to the factory, I want you two to stay here and look after Charles". Finn and Charlie both nodded there heads, sad they werent allowed to join. After dinner Ophelia grabbed ber coat and sighed. "Come on". She muttered. She stood beside Michael as they walked down the street. Like usual the women and children would run whilst the men would tip there hats. They made there way towards the factory. "Leave the talking to me okay". She muttered opening the door to look at all the workers who where pn strike. They went quiet when they saw the shelbys walk in. Ophelia looked down at her hands which was covered with black leather.

It was quiet in the factory, the three men stood behind Ophelia. It was a womens strike, for equal pay. "Who's in charge of this?". Ophelia asked, her palm out pointing towards everyone. Jessie Eden walked forwards her head held high. "I am". She said. Ophelia shook her head impressed by her bravery. Everyone looked on, they where never confronted by Ophelia, she always seemed to be nice. Ophelia started to walk around, looking at the factory. She had never been. "You should no by now that you have made my husband very unhappy". Ophelia said. Jessie nodded and said. "Yes but..". Ophelia put her hand up for her to stop. "I wasn't finished. When my husband isn't happy that makes me unhappy to'. She turned around to face Jessie. "Look Miss Eden, I understand what you are doing. You want equal pay for women but you have to remember who your messing with. What family your messing with". Jessie crossed her arms and said. "I'm not afraid of your husband or his brothers or cousin". Ophelia nodded her head and smirked. "It isn't them you should be afraid. Now stop playing these little games. If you didn't no there is communist blood in are family. You all remember Freddie Throne don't you". Ophelia looked out at everyone. A few men where there, supporters of communism. They all nodded. "So you all no he was married to Ada and they had had a child. So I'm going to ask kindly. Get back to work or pay the consequences because there are more things at stake then your silly little games". She glared at Jessie at the last line. Eventually one by one they started to get back to work.

Everyone except Jessie. "Who do you think you are?" Jessie asked. Ophelia looked at her and said. "Ophelia Shelby and to you that's Mrs Shelby. And from now on Eden your not calling the shots around here I am every week I will pop in and see how it's going and if I find out your trying to pull another strike god help you that's all I have to say. I do have eyes and ears around this place remember that". Ophelia spun around and stormed out of the factory. Tommy ran up to her and grabbed her hand. "What was that?" He asked looking at her awe. She smiled and kissed him on the cheek. "I don't like how she thinks she runs the place and we don't need this stress, especially with changretta". He nodded and smiled lovingly at his wife. "You are literally my favourite person". Arthur said kissing her on the cheek. She smiled at him and watched him enter the Garrison. Michael smiled at her and followed him. Her and Tommy walked down the street holding hands, her head on his shoulder. "It'll be okay won't it?" She asked. He looked at her for a moment unsure of how to answer. "Yes". Was all he whispered.

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