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  • Dedicated to Everyone Reading! I love you so much!<3 Xxx

Hey!  So, I guess your wondering alot about my story.  Well, keep wondering.  Lol, no.  Like the nurse said, Scarlett is having dreams/ nighmares.  So I thought you might want to know whats going on in her head.  While you will be able to hear and see what she does, It will also say the thoughts she is thinking.  This is a pretty long chapter and I am pretty pleased with it!  I hope you are too because this one was seriously hard for me to write!  Like you guys at your computers have no idea how much time, thought, and cups of hot chocolate it took to write this.  Yes, I said hot chocolate, I dont drink coffee.  It tastes tertrible!  But thats just me.  Well, I can see you are probably eager to read the chapter so I am going to stop boring you out of your mind and let you read!  Love you all so much!  So, the passage way to her mind!  I give you.......  Then next chapter!  It is super long!  It took me alot to write it, but I already said that so here you go!  Comment pretty please, there is a reason I made it long!  Thanks, Loves!Xxx


Scarlett's Pov: (during coma)

Its dark and I cant see very well.  My feet feel heavy and I am in a long dark red hallway.  This all seems too familiar.  I manage to stand on my feet and slowly drag them forward.  They are so heavy, at least 250lbs each.  I can faintly hear Liam's voice from somewhere.  I stare down the hallway, 5 chairs.  This all seems too, familiar to me.  I cant see the boys in the chairs, but they just sit there.  Tied up and stare at me. 

"Liam!" I shriek.  I am crying, but I dont know why?  Well, I do, but that isnt the point!  I need to hel[p my boys!  I try to run, but I can only go so fast like this.  I see something come up behind whats most likey Zayn's body.  I try and run faster with little success.  The mass held a gun to his head and he looked at me with pleading eyes.

"Zayn!" I yelled at him.  'HELP ME' he mouthed.  I reached my arms forward but only fell on my face.  I looked at him, so far away and helpless.  I managed to get up and start running again but it was too late.  A shot went off and Zayn's head danggled.  Louis looked at me the same way Zayn did.

"Louis!  Louis, No!" I yelled, tears coming ruthlessly down my face. 

'boom!" another shot.  Louis head fell, with both Louis and Zayn gone I am in pieces.  I managed to speed my pace, but the hallway seemed to be getting longer and longer.

"Louis?  Louis talk to me!  Louis!" Harry pleaded, crying.  He tried to get out of his chains to help a dead Lou, but he couldnt.

"Scarlett!  You did this!  You killed him!" Harry screamed at me.

"no, no I-"

"look!  He is dead!  It's all your fault!" he yelled before another shot went off.  Harry's head hung low over his body.

"Harry!" I shrieked.  My eyes made their way to Liam's.

"no, no.  No!" I went from a whisper to a scream.  I started screaming uncontrolably for my brother.  Another shot went off, but Liam's head didnt fall, Niall's did. 

"NIALL!" I shrieked.  I was crying hysterically.  I could start to run faster and tried to reach Liam in time.  But then, 'boom'.  the fifth sot was fired and Liam's head fell.

I stopped in my tracks and fell to my hands and knees.  My head hung low and I starred at the ground.  I looked up at the five chairs, the boys in them.  I got up again and dragged my feet to them.  I tried to shake them awake and scream their names but nothing happened.  I looked to my right, a door.  To where?  I looked back at the boys and gave each of them a small kiss on the cheek then straited myself for what could be behind to door. 

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