The Phycho killer.

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You sadly get up when suddenly you hear screaming and gunshots. //

You look back and you eyes bulge out in fear as you stare at the horrific murder scene in front of you. Blood splatters everywhere as you hear gun shots firing around like a meteor shower. You stare at the person that's causing all this chaos. They were wearing a long black t-shirt  and their face was covered by a black mask. The old denim jeans they wore were soaked in the scarlet substance that gushed out from the injured victims.

You stare at the person for so long that you don't  even notice their soulless irises now staring directly at you. Your hands start to quiver in fear as the maniac killer walks closer and closer to you. The tip of the machine gun pointed directly at you.

You helplessly stare at the murderer as the distance between the two of you becomes thinner. You feel completely numb by the fear and your legs are frozen.

Dozens of thoughts rush around your head. Amongst all those thoughts, you couldn't help but ponder over the slight familiarity of those inky irises. You felt like you've seen them before...but where?

You snap out of your thoughts when you feel the cold tip of the gun grazing your head. You close your eyes, awaiting for your life to be ripped away. Awaiting for every memory you've made to be harshly torn into pieces and left for the birds. Awaiting for the steady beat of your heart to fade into a soundless tune.

But that never happens.

Suddenly a warm hand grabs you and pulls you somewhere. You start running with this mysterious figure into an unknown place. Your mind still in haze over the events that just occurred. Your feet unconsciously follows the figure in front of you. You run through dark hallways. The little fate in humanity you had left is what lead you to trust this stranger. Whoever it was, they saved you.

The figure halts once they reach a small dark room which seemed to look like a walk-in closet. The unknown figure tries to turn on the light but the lack of response given from the switch answered the unasked question. "Ugh, of course they must have cut the power out so people can't escape," they spoke in a aggravated tone.

A voice of a male. You noted.

"W-who are you" you ask in a shaky voice
Before he could answer a loud bang is heard from outside the closet. He pulls you into a pile of cloths and you both crouch down quietly.

* 1 hour later*

It seemed like an eternity had passed when the  both of you got up. The unknown man sighed softly and said "I think we should get out of here now."

You carelessly nod, despite the pitch black darkness hiding your actions. The male grabs onto your hand and slowly unlocks the door as  you get out your phone. You both sneakily walk out and sigh in relief upon seeing the empty hallways.

With cautious step the two of you turn the corner to begin your descent.

You were expecting to be greeted with the dark lonely hallways but instead the eerie face of the heart-stopping masked maniac greets you. A devilish smirk etches their face as they mutter a quite, "gotcha."

They pull the gun out and hold it towards the two of you. Your brain fumbles over an escape so you do the first thing that comes to mind. You take out your phone and flash a picture of the maniac, the bright flash momentarily blinding the killer. The maniac stumbles back and you and the male take that as a chance to sprint.

With adrenaline rushing through your veins, you sprint, hand-in-hand with the stranger. The two of you blindly run around the building in hopes to find an exit.

You  finally make it out of the arena. You place your hands on your knees and catch your breath. "Thank you for helping me...uhh sorry, I didn't catch your name." You look up at the male as he turns around, a small smile on his face. You gasp upon seeing the familiar features.

"I assume you know who I am, considering the fact that you said you've been a fan for quite the while."

"J-Jungkook?" You stutter out.

A/N: I re-edited this chapter (in 2019- this book was written in like 2018). The other chapters won't even be near as good ( in terms of grammar and layout) compared to the first two so please don't be surprised at the drastic change in grammar and layout in the next chapter.

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