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The sound of a gunshot echoed through the room...

Your heart raced as the loud sound replayed in your head. Your hands shaking. Sweat dripping. You open your eyes that were shut tightly to witness the scene in front of you. The wall next to you now had a small hole in it caused by the mischievous bullet that had just left the gun. You look straight at Jungkook and you see him staring at Ella's confused and shocked face. In a blink of an eye, Jungkook grabs Ella while she is still in her confused and vulnerable  state and then he locks her in the handcuffs that were originally in his pocket. Ella's face suddenly goes from confused to down right angry. "YOU TRICKED ME!" she screams while trying to escape Jungkook's grip. You sit frozen in your chair as you watch Ella try to wrestle Jungkook with her hands in handcuffs. If you weren't in this situation, you would have laughed at the sight but right now, the last thing you could think of was to laugh. The look on Ella's face was horrifying. It was the kind of look you would see in a murderer just before they kill someone. It was the look of complete insanity. Suddenly Ella kicked Jungkook and quickly grabbed the gun in his pocket with both her tied up hands. Jungkook froze, not knowing what to do next. You panic as you watch Ella raise her hands with the gun and point it towards Jungkook. Your mind is in a blurry state, you have no idea on what to do now and so you do the first thing that comes to your mind. You scream. You scream louder than your body could handle. You were sure that the scream could be heard from miles away. The sound even deafened your own ears for a second. Ella dropped the gun in shock as she has never heard you scream like that before. Both Ella and Jungkook looks at you with wide eyes. Jungkook then snaps out of his gaze and quickly grabs the gun that fell on the floor. 

Jungkook hides the gun in his back pocket, far from Ella's reach. "GIVE IT BAC-" Ella starts to shout before getting interuppeted by the sound of the door slamming open.  "FREEZE!" says two police officers as they enter the house. Ella did exactly as she was told and stared with  wide eyes at the officers. "You are being arrested for murder, anything you say after this point can be used against you at court" the officer says while grabbing onto Ella. They lead her out of the door while she started to scream again. "I WILL KILL YOU Y/N AND ALSO YOU JUNGKOOK. I SHOULD HAVE NEVER TRUSTED YOU!" she screams while looking at you and then at Jungkook. You look at her state, she looked like a mental patient, and right now, you think she is one. The officers leave and close the door behind them.

The room fills with silence as the both of you sink into the reality of what just happened. After a couple minutes of silence, Jungkook snaps out of his frozen state and run towards you. He fiddles with the belt to get it off you and then once he does he tiredly drops down onto the floor. 

You were the first to speak, "the plan really worked" you say somewhat breathlessly. Jungkook nods and then looks up at you. "You're a really good actor " you say slightly sheepishly. Jungkook smiles "says you, for a second there, I thought that you thought that I was actually going to kill you" he says with a soft laugh. "For a second there, I thought you were" you admit while nodding your head. Jungkook laughs again. "How on earth did you get her to trust you in just two weeks?" you ask curiously. "Well it was quite easy actually, once I contacted her and told her about you knowing that she was the killer, she pretty much believed everything I said. We would often meet up and I would tell her our plan except I would leave out the part where you and me were actually doing this to catch her in the end. At first she didn't believe me very well but then after a few more meetings with her and a lot of insisting on how much I 'hate' you she started to believe me. Today I realised that it would be the best day to catch her, I was the  one to tell her to attack you tonight and while she was preparing on your attack, she also managed to accidentally spill out what her motive was." Jungkook finished with a satisfied grin. "So you recorded her confession and gave it to the police" you say nodding. "Can I see the video" you ask him. He seems hesitant at first but then he nods. 

"I killed those people in the fan sign but don't worry Kookie, I had no intention on killing you or any of the members" you listen to Ella's flirtatious voice and mentally cringe. "I just wanted to kill that brat and get her stupid heart" she speaks causing something in your body to shift. "Y/N thought I liked her but in reality I hated her and all I wanted wanted was to kill her and I'm glad that I found you Kookie, someone who has the same intentions as me" she says somewhat seductively. The video ends and you feel a weird sensation in your heart. "She really hated me" you say trying to keep your voice from wobbling. "Yeah" Jungkook replies awkwardly. "She sounds like she was very fond of you" you say trying to lighten the mood. Jungkook just nods and stares at your face, he can see how hurt you are. You smile softly and pretend to be happy. "Yay, we caught the killer! now you can keep your computer" you say with a smile. Jungkook saw straight through you, he knew that you weren't happy, he saw how upset you were over the situation. He could see the betrayal in your eyes, he could see how you tried to refrain your voice from cracking. Jungkook sighs, then he stares at you before suddenly he pulls you towards his chest. Your head in now face to face with his neck and your body tenses up.

 "It's okay to cry" Jungkook says softly while tightly embracing you. And so you did. You let out the tears that have been hidden behind your poker face for years now. You let your salty tears soak Jungkook's t-shirt as he gently strokes your hair. You body shakes as you remember the memories you have built with Ella, like the time you both got stuck in a tree for 24 hours, the time where she got a m&m stuck up her noise, the time where she helped you study all night long, all these memories were now ruined by the simple act she committed. You breath in heavily as you grip onto Jungkook's hard leather jacket, the weird material providing you with a sense of protection. "What if she comes back?" you ask weakly. "Don't worry, she won't" Jungkook says reassuringly. 

"Are you sure about that?" asks a familiar voice from behind, causing chills to run down your spine. 

Mystery killer (Jungkook ff)Where stories live. Discover now