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Your eyes widen as she speaks. "W-what" you stutter. "Oh Y/N, don't act dumb. I know you know"  Ella says. You open your mouth to speak but then suddenly Ella grabs you by the arm and pushes you into a wooden chair. She pulls her belt out from her pants and uses it to tie you tightly to the chair. You struggle under her tight grip as her long nails dig into your skin. After you are firmly tied up she takes a step back to look at you.

 "Y/N, Y/N, Y/N, how can you be so stupid" she says with an evil grin. "Why are you doing this!" you scream. She laughs and walks out of your sight. She comes back with something in her hand. "You wouldn't" you say as you stare at the gun in her hand. "Oh, but I would" she says, eyes sparkling with excitement. "Why Ella, why  are you doing this" you ask with a shaky voice. "You really don't know anything do you...sister"  she asks in a mocking tone. "So it wasn't a dream" you think yourself. "So we are sisters?" you ask with your head down. "Half sisters" Ella says causing you to lift your head up and look at her.

 "It's time I tell you a story" Ella says with a straight face. "Remember when you were kidnapped and those guys killed our dad and your mum?" she asks. You nod while your mind seeps into the memories of that day. "Well, they kept asking you where the key was right?" she says. You nod again. "The key... to the safe, Y/N. Your grandma was rich, well lets just say rich is an understatement, she had so much money that she didn't know what to do with it. That's why she built the safe, to keep the money in. The safe has a key. You see before our father met your mother, he was in love with my mother and they had me but then your stupid mother came into the picture and our father was allured by her money" Ella speaks. "THAT'S NOT TRUE, DAD WOULD NEVER LOVE SOMEONE BECAUSE OF THEIR MONEY" you scream.

 Ella rolls her eyes and continues "Well, as I was saying your father was in love with your mother's money and then he decided to marry her and leave me and my mother by ourselves, and thats when you came into the picture. After you were born, father would rarely come visit me and my mother and then gradually he stopped visiting us at all. On my 13th birthday he came, I saw him again for the last time that day, and he gave me this" Ella says while pulling out the necklace from under her shirt. You suddenly remember something. The necklace. "Wasn't this grandma's necklace?" you ask. Ella nods and starts speaking again "your grandma had given the necklace to our dad so he could gift it to his first child, who grandma thought was you, however, father gave this to me instead. "This is the key to the safe Y/N but what our father didn't realise is that there was another part to the key." Ella says while fiddling with the necklace. "What is it?" you ask curiously.  "The necklace can  only be activated if it has the blood of grandma's  first grandchild running through it. And you Y/N, happen to be grandma's first grandchild" Ella say with a disgusted look. "So you want my blood?" you ask. "Not just any of your blood, but the blood directly from your heart" Ella says while tracing the outline of the gun with her index finger. You stare at the white tiles on the ground as your mind soaks in all her words. "Wouldn't that mean that I would have had to sacrifice  myself if I wanted to open the safe?" you ask quietly. "Your grandma was a strange one, wasn't she" Ella says while observing your question.

 The room goes silent for a few seconds before you decide to speak again. "Why were you so kind to me? why did you save me that day if you were going to kill me anyways?" you ask. "Well, you see Y/N, I had to be kind to you so that I would gain your trust and I saved you that day so that I could kill you myself" she said with a fierce expression. "But that day, at the hospital, you told me that you wouldn't let anyone else hurt me or come near me ever again" you say in a barely audible voice. " I said anyone ELSE Y/N, I never said that I wouldn't hurt you" Ella says with a sneer. "Why didn't you just kill me directly, why did you have to kill all those innocent people at the fan sign?" you ask in a broken tone. "You see Y/N, I had to find a way to kill you without you knowing it was me, those people at the fan sign, well, let's just say they got in my way" Ella says with an evil glare. "But now I know who you are, so why are you killing me?" you ask. "Well you see, now it doesn't really matter if you know who I am because now there is  no one to save you" she says nonchalantly. "Jungkook will save me!" you shout loudly. "Oh Y/N, if only you knew" Ella says while giving you a look of pity. 

Ella smirks "now to finish what I started" she says while slowly raising the gun. You take a deep breath before closing your eyes. You can feel Ella's excited eyes staring at you. "Any last words Y/N" Ella asks with a fake tone of kindness. 

"STOP" a voice yells from behind you both. You shoot open your eyes to find Jungkook in the door way. You let out a slight breath of relief. "Stop this, now!" Jungkook shouts while walking towards you both. "Oh, look who decided to rock up" Ella says calmly. "Don't do this" Jungkook says while looking at Ella. "Or what?" she asks confidently. "Or I Will Hurt You" Jungkook says fiercely. "ohh I'm so scared" Ella says sarcastically. You stare at Ella's calm face, you don't notice even a hint of fear in her powerful eyes. 

Suddenly, Jungkook starts laughing hysterically and then Ella joins in. You stare at the two of them laughing crazily in confusion. "What's so funny?' you ask. "Oh Ella, she really doesn't know, does she?" Jungkook asks with an amused tone. Your eyes widen in shock "w-what" you stutter. "Ella I know you really wanted to do this, but can I please do the honours?" Jungkook asks while gesturing towards the gun. "Only because it's you" Ella says in a flirty tone while handing the black object over to him. Jungkook inspects the gun with a soft smile. He looks into your fearful eyes before raising the gun slowly towards your heart. Ella smiles and opens up her necklace. "Ready?" Jungkook asks while hovering his finger over the trigger. Ella nods with a menacing smirk "go ahead" she says excitedly. You close your eyes and a fearful look strikes across your face.

 The tense atmosphere is then broken when the sound of a loud gunshot echoes through the room.

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