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You storm out of the security room with Jungkook following you close behind. "Hey Y/N! Who was it" Jungkook ask as he tries to keep up with you. You suddenly stop in your tracks and turn around. "He is my ex" you say while gritting your teeth. "What!" Jungkook exclaims. You turn back around and keep walking  but you still hear Jungkook's constant footsteps behind you. You stop but don't turn around "Jungkook please let me think about this by myself for a bit and then I will talk to you, okay" you say hoping that he will go away. You feel his hand on your shoulder "Y/N be careful alright" Jungkook says softly before letting go of you shoulder and walking off. You slightly smile before going back into your angry mode. 

You lay in bed. Your fist was now white from you clenching them too hard. Your breath was heavy and your body was stiff. "He had a gun, it must have been him" you thought. Anger surges through your veins as your blood boils. "That prick was the one who cheated on me and now he wants to kill me. He also killed other innocent people who were supposed to have the best day of there life. He just wanted to get revenge on me for breaking up with him" You thought with fury exploring your body. Then you are hit with another sudden flashback 


He stands there with an arrogant smirk. "You are so quiet now Y/N. Where did your big mouth go huh?" the cold man asks with an arrogant smirk. Another man enters the room with a computer in his hands. The man opens the computer in front of your face and your eyes widen at the sight in front of you. There, on the other side of this screen was your dad, beside him were two other men holding a gun towards his head. "Now Y/N, are you going to tell us where the key is or are we going to have to shoot this old fella over here" the cold looking man asks with an intimidating voice. You stare at your father, the one who would tell you dad jokes, the one who would make you laugh, the one who would smile warmly every time he saw you, the one who loved and cared for you deeply , you stared at him now shaking in fear. "TELL US!" The mans voice boomed causing you to shudder in fear. You have no idea what he is talking about. You don't know what or where the key is. "I-I don't k-know" you reply hesitantly. "Kill him" the cold man orders as you scream. "Nooo plea-" You scream but you interrupted by the sound of a gun-shot. You stare at the screen in horror as you see your fathers body crash onto the hard cement floor as blood gushes out his cracked lips. Tears run repeatedly down your face. "Now for some fun" the man says while unbuckling his belt. "Plea-please no" you choke. "Oh this is gonna be fu-" the man says before a voice interrupts him. "Y/N!" says a figure while rushing into the room. The figure kicks the guy hard in the balls causing him to fall in pain. The figure comes and pick up your fragile body. "El-Ella" you say softly. "Shhh it's gonna be alright" Ella says as she carries you out of the room.  

End of flashback 

 You were so deep in your thoughts that you didn't even notice Ella's presence next to you with a very worried expression. "Whats wrong?" Ella asks softly. You take a deep breath in before you speak "Jayden" you simply say. "WHAT DID THAT DICK-FACE DO TO YOU THIS TIME" Ella screams as angers swims around her orbs. "H-he just annoyed me" you lie because you still didn't want to tell her about anything. "I AM GONNA BREAK HIM! I AM GONNA SHREAD HIM APART AND TEAR EVERY PIECE OF HIS FAKE ASS WIG OFF" Ella screams causing you to slightly chuckle. "Ella, don't overreact, he was just annoying me that's all" You say trying to sound convincing. "But he hurt my best friend" she said quietly. "Don't worry he didn't hurt me, he just made me a little annoyed" you say with a fake smile. "Well it looked like he did made you pretty annoyed " Ella muttered under her breath before walking out of the room.

 You sigh thinking she will leave you in peace but then she came back in the room with a bag of chips and some cans of beer. "Movie time!" she chanted as she hoped on next to you on the bed and flicked through Netflix on your TV. You both munch on chips and you chug down a can of beer while intently watching a horror movie. Ella would spare quick glances at you to check if you were okay. Watching the movie did make you feel better but that jerk was still lingering in your mind. The movie finishes and you and Ella sit there on your soft mattress with stuffed bellies. *DING* Ella's phone receives a message. She checks the phone but sighs "Y/N I have to babysit hee-young tonight" Ella says with a disappointed look. "It's oookay Ella, go and babysit her I'm fine, really" you say reassuringly. "Are you sure" Ella asks with a worried expression. "Of courseeeee" you say with a big smile. Ella pats your head before standing up. "Y/N, don't try anything stupid, okay" Ella says before walking off. 

You lay in bed while your mind stirs around one person

Jayden. The thought of him alone makes your blood boil. Suddenly your body jolted up. You walk to the kitchen and grab a butter knife. You feel numb and your mind is controlling your body without your consent. You walk to the coat rack and grab you jacket before opening the door and walking out. 

You stand in front of his house. You remember the first time you were here. You remember the memories you had with him in front of this house. This here, the very spot where you were standing right now, was where you had your first kiss with him. You snap out of your thoughts and start knocking loudly on the door. Soon a face appears in front of you. Jayden smiles widely as he looks at your face. "Y/N! what are you doing here" he asks excitedly. Without hesitation you push him into the house and close the door behind you. "YOU MURDERER!" you scream causing a wave of confusion and shock to wash over his face. "What? Y/N are you drunk?" Jayden asks. "Oh trying to play dumb huh? I know what you  did Jayden" you say fiercely. "What did I do" he asks calmly. "Oh so you're just going to pretend that you didn't go to that BTS concert and kill a bunch of people just so you can get revenge on me. I mean come on Jayden, you don't even like BTS, plus you were holding that gun. It's obvious Jayden, you are the murderer" You stare at Jayden's face, at first he looked confused but then he started to laugh" he continued laughing as he walked out of the room. He came back with a small black object in his hands. 

"A g-gun?" you thought as you gripped your butter knife tightly. 

Mystery killer (Jungkook ff)Where stories live. Discover now