Fake concert

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You were in utter shock as to what was in front of you.

"What the hell" you mutter to your self. Your widened eyes look around the massive stadium filled with hundreds of people. "Am I in the wrong place?" you ask yourself. You grab your phone and jab the buttons until a name pops up. You press the name and place the phone next to your ear. 

*ring ring*

Y/N: Jungkoo-

server: Sorry the number you dialled is unavailable right now please leave a message after the bee-

You frustratedly ended the call and frantically started looking around. You kept looking everywhere until your eyes laid on a figure. You sprinted toward him "Jungkook  oh my gosh you should have told me that-" you cut yourself off as you noticed you were talking to a cardboard cut out. "Aish are you freaking kidding me" you said to yourself. Suddenly you felt a tight grip around your wrist as you got pulled somewhere. "What the heck, stoooppp" you yelled as this unknown figure dragged you. The person finally stopped dragging you and you turned around preparing to beat the crap out of who ever it was. You raised you fist but then dropped it as the person took their mask off. "Jungkook-ssi what are you doing?" you asked. "Well I need to tell you what the plan is and  I can't exactly just announce your the plan in front of all those  people" Jungkook says firmly. "Oh ya... Oh and why are there so many people here in the first place?, I thought this was a fake concert" you ask. "It is but we need to make it seem as real as possible so that the maniac doesn't suspect anything" Jungkook replies calmly. "How did you get all these people" you ask. "I have my ways" Jungkook says in English making you laugh. "Okay so what do I do" you ask. "Here take this and if you spot anyone suspicious take pictures of them" Jungkook said while handing you a camera. " Also if the maniac attacks tonight make sure to take pictures of them" he continued. "Okay I will but what If the maniac catches me taking pictures?" you ask with a slight trace of fear in your voice.  "Don't worry this place is surrounded  by security but just incase wear this" Jungkook says handing you a huge coat that covered all your body. 

You were pacing back and forth around the entrance waiting for the maniac to arrive. You felt silly in your big coat, it was quite hard to work in it but you still decided to wear it because if the maniac did show up you didn't want them to see you. You decided to stare outside through the big glass window to see if anyone was there and to your surprise there was. A suspicious looking man was standing right outside the window staring directly at your face. You sneakily lifted the camera to take a picture but then stopped. "Ella must be right, I really must have hit my head when I was younger" you think as you realise that the 'suspicious looking man' was just your own reflection.

The concert came to an end as people started to clear out. You were still near the entrance waiting for something to happen but unfortunately nothing did. Another hour passed of you waiting and noting happened. By now you were the only one in the stadium and you were getting tired. "Hey" a voice said from behind you. You got so startled that you decided to whip yourself around and swing the only thing you had in your hand, being a camera, at whoever was behind you. "ughhh" Jungkook groaned as he grabbed his face. "Holy cheese stick, Jungkook-ssi" you screamed as you kneeled down beside the red faced boy. "What was that for" he groaned. "s-sorry I thought you were the maniac" you said with guilt evident in your voice. "did you get any pictures" Jungkook asked while rubbing his face. "Ya" you say. "Really! let me see" Jungkook says excitedly. "ya I got a picture of this man that was outside the window but guess what" you say. "What?" Jungkook asks "that 'man' was just my reflection" you say with a sulky expression. Jungkook laughs but then stops "my poor computer" he says with a sad expression. "Hey don't be sad we still have time, the police haven't found anything yet" you say trying to cheer him up. "You know what! you're right" he says bringing back his smile.  "Okay so what's next" you ask him. "Hmm, I don't know yet" he says. "Okay" he says after thinking for a while " meet me at BigHit studio tomorrow and we can come up with a new plan together" he says. "Oka- WAIT WHAT, BIGHIT AS IN THE BIGHIT. LIKE THE PLACE WHERE YOU AND BTS TRAIN AND STUFF" you scream like a whale causing Jungkook to flinch. " Whoa calm down over there and yes BigHit as in the place where me and BTS train" Jungkook says while unplugging his fingers from his ears". " OMG I am actually going to see inside BigHit studio" you say. "so that's a yes?" Jungkook says with a smirk. "No... it's a hell yahhhh" you say while jumping up and down in excitement. "Okay then, meet me at BigHit at 1pm tomorrow" Jungkook says. You happily nod as  scenarios of you at BigHit tomorrow pop up in your head. 

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