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Steve's eyelids fluttered open, his light eyelashes parting to reveal his bright blue eyes. He squinted in response to the bright fluorescent lighting of the hospital room, blinking away the spots which had appeared at the corners of his vision. Natasha and Tony were in the room, standing near the door engaged in a heated whisper argument. Steve noticed the two, and kept quiet while they continued to hiss angrily back and forth at each other.

"Well then how the hell did he end up on the shore? He did not land there, because he would've had more injuries and lacerations on his back from the impact, not those scratches and slight abrasions that were definetly caused by the rocks he was dragged onto." Tony whispered harshly. Natasha's eyebrows furrowed in anger as she carefully picked her words to deliver maximum effect and to prove her point in the best way possible.

"Tony, if I know anything for sure; its that the murderer who slaughtered your parents, the same man who shot straight through me, would not save the life a man who's job was to kill him." Natasha growled in response. She kept her offensive stance, her body language clearly showing that she was the one in control while Tony was more relaxed and nonchalant about the situation. He was very calm, yet very sure of everything he had to say.

"Think about it!" Tony's voice rose, to a loud whisper with anger clearly visible in his dark eyes. " First off, it wasn't Cap's job to kill him. He was job was to insert the chip, and save the world." He got a bit sarcastic on the 'save the world' bit, but cap let it slide and continued listening in on their rather informative conversation. "Secondly, How the hell did he get out? He was passed out when we found him, and you know for a damn FACT that he didn't swim his pretty boy ass to shore and pass out there. I'm just saying; yeah that bastard killed my parents but maybe there is some history or something like that between him and Steve." He immediately diverted his eyes from Natasha's fiery glare, his glance landing on Steve's wide open, yet still sleep jaded eyes. He nudged Natasha and began walking over to the bedside.

"Hey Capsicle, how'd you sleep?" Natasha asked jokingly as she smiled at him. He groaned softly and slowly adjusted himself so that he was sitting up more comfortably.

"How long was I out?" He asked quietly.

"About a day and a half, don't worry though. We've all been taking turns watching you sleep." Tony chuckled.

"Who's we? And is that supposed to comfort me? Because it doesn't." Tony laughed at Steve's seriousness, and he glared at him.

"Sam, me and him. We're usually all here but Sam has been training so that hopefully when you came to, he could outrun you." Natasha grinned as Steve laughed at Sam's crazy antics.

"What were you guys talking about?" He asked the question, hoping that maybe they would actually answer him truthfully instead of coming up with a bullshit response; but when he saw Natasha open her mouth he knew that the truth would not be what he was receiving.

"Oh, nothing really. Just what we were going to do with our lives now that we aren't leashed to S.H.I.E.L.D. It's been destroyed, so what to do; what to do?" She chuckled and he couldn't help but smile at the thought. She was right, they weren't S.H.I.E.L.D.'s little puppets anymore, they could do what they wanted now.

"So, Cap, what do you remember after being blown out of the sky and into the water?" Tony questioned. Steve saw Natasha slip a hand behind Tony's back, and then he grimaced in pain and slapped her hand away with a glare. He pretended he didn't see the interaction between the two, and thought up a quick lie.

"Uhhhhhh.... hitting the water? Drowning? That's really about it..." He replied, sounding as honest as he could manage through his still semi-drowsy state. Based off their comments he knew how he got out of the water; Bucky saved him. His original thought was that he actually was rescued by a SHIELD agent or something, but after their little talk it became clear that wasn't the case. "How did I get out? Did you guys get to me?" He saw that his question invoked a slight panic in Tony, he glanced at Natasha and she calmly answered.

"No. Actually, a boater saw you fall and was able to reach you and retrieve you in time. They pulled you to shore just as we came running to look for you." She managed to keep composure all throughout her lie, which wasn't all that surprising or unbelievable. She was a spy, what was anyone supposed to expect? Steve left it at that and sighed.

"So, when can I get out of here and go home?" Both Natasha and Tony laughed quietly.

"Actually you're free to go. They only wanted to keep you here until you woke up just in case you went into a comatose state. They checked your vitals and such after we brought you here; and you were fine just in a very very deep sleep. Most likely a stress induced thing. The doctor told us that you would be able to leave after you woke up." Tony smirked.

"Cool! So I can leave?" He looked at all the monitors and IV's hooked to himself.

"Not so fast, oldtimer. We'll call in a nurse and they can take all of that off of you before we take you back home." Natasha smiled. Steve beamed back at her, but his mind was on other things.

James Buchanan Barnes, his best friend and the person who he had known longer than anyone, was still alive. But he had been used as a pawn, by HYDRA. Which meant he was most likely brainwashed, which probably explains why he tried to kill him. Or was forced to. Probably a mixture of both, but either way he knew one thing. It was Bucky.

Bucky saved him.

Bucky must remember him..

Or something about him.

Maybe something enough to help him remember everything else.

Steve needed to find him.

But how?

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