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All alone in an alleyway, cold, dark, and alone. There sat that once great, ex- assassin who had gone by the name 'The Winter Soldier'. His metal arm, his calling card, was shielded by a dark jacket. He greasy hair and grimy face were shaded by a baseball cap, while he huddled with his knees to his chest in a dingy alleyway between an apartment building and some crappy bar where a drunk male or two would occasionally stumble out and shout something at him. 

Him, being Bucky. 

Bucky, being the name that man called him. 

The man who refused to fight him. 

The man who he saved, all because he thought maybe his words actually did have some value.

The man with the big round shield, that defended him from every kind of blast that you could imagine.

That shield... that man.... that name. The were all tied together in some strange way, and he needed to find out how.

It was an eerie feeling to Bucky, this... nostalgic feeling which washed over him every time he thought about that name, or the man who called him that. The man on the bridge, the one who was wearing a spangly costume when Bucky saw him again. When he had tried to rid himself of one more objective, to maybe make that pain in the back of his skull go away. That throbbing feeling of sadness which was draining him of everything, and had been for the past 70 years. 

After realizing that they needed stronger solutions to keep away their soldiers memories, HYDRA began formulating and anti-memory serum. Which they began using on Bucky as soon as they assigned him his next target. It caused him immense, near unbearable pain every time he remembered something he wasn't supposed to, and it worked. It kept the soldiers mind from wandering too far back into the abyss which he had been 'saved' from. But the soldier knew now, that he needed to fight that pain to discover his true identity.

To discover who the hell that man was, that man and his female accomplice who seemed all too familiar to the ex-assassin.

He had known her during his time in HYDRA. Her name was Natalia, and he had trained her. The two had even had a brief relationship. Bucky remembered her face, how beautiful she was... but the look in her eyes reminded her all too much of himself and he forced himself away from the thoughts of her. She wasn't a major concern right now, finding that man was the only priority he had. That man was the only way he was going to find out who he was. That brief trip to the museum want extremely useful, it was somewhat helpful but when he was hit by a sudden wave of memories... he nearly passed out on the floor. 

One thing had stuck in his mind all throughout the day, though. That man's name was Steven Grant Rogers. And he was his best friend James Buchanan Barnes, the only man who died while serving with 'Captain America'. All Bucky knew was names, he knew nothing about himself other than pointless facts about his birthplace, and life. Nothing at all about his personality, interests, or other basic parts of his life. 

But now here he was, shivering cold and alone on the ground because he had no where to go. Although... those apartments weren't too high. The assassin stood up and began calculating everything in his mind. Not all of the lights were on, and not all of the apartments were occupied. If he cold climb up to one of the unoccupied ones, and get inside, then he would have a place to stay for the night. Maybe even get cleaned up before he set out to find that man.  

Bucky took the ball cap off of his head and threw it to the side, and readied himself to scale the building and get inside one of the windows. He bent his knees, and tensed up before springing up high enough to grab a fire escape ladder with his left hand and pull himself up. He went up the fire escape, stopping at every darkened window to peer inside. After his third look, he found a window with no curtains inside. There was some furniture, but it all looked very basic. Almost like a model apartment. Bucky used his cold left hand to wedge under the window and pull it up, before sliding inside the room quickly and quietly.  

He looked around after closing the window, allowing his eyes some time to adjust to the darkness. He walked into the kitchen, trying to find a glass or something so he could just get some water. He stumbled around before giving up and heading towards the living room. He saw the couch, but no blankets. All he needed was some blankets, and he would be fine.

I'll just find some blankets, go to sleep, and leave in the morning. 

The heavy footsteps nearby sent Bucky into panic mode. He swung himself back into the kitchen and looked around in a panic. He saw one spot where he might be able to hide out, and he hurriedly crawled underneath the table. He tensed all his muscles and waited in silence, hoping that whoever was out there wouldn't be coming in.

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