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It was about 10 in the morning, and Steve was lying on the couch with his legs outstretched and covering the length of the three seater in comfortable bliss. Although, he wasn't blissful. He had been in the same spot for hours, since he returned from the old gym in a tear stained and over emotional mess. He was staring at the ceiling with a growing sense of unease in his stomach as he forced his mind away from the sensitive subject of his long lost best friend. His phone which had been sitting on the coffee table for one too many days, was beeping at him about its low battery.

You think you're drained you overly appreciated and overly confusing piece of Stark hardware junk? Ugh. This world disgusts me sometimes.

Or maybe it's just the fact that Bucky's back in it, but he isn't here with me.

Damn it, I thought I had that voice under control. 

His phone continued beeping and he finally grew tired of it, dragging himself off the couch and into his bedroom where his charger was plugged into the wall. He plugged his phone in and crawled into his bed, burying his face in the soft linen sheets, hoping to drown his sorrow in the lavender scent. He was just on the verge of sleep when his phone started ringing, and he answered it with a groan.

"Hey Steve, I uh just wanted to call and check in... I know we haven't talked since the whole little incident and I just wanted to make sure you were doing alright." Sams familiar, and lighthearted tone filled his ears and he sighed. He was probably back home and Steve hadn't even said a proper goodbye.

"Yeah. I'm fine. why?" He grumbled, hoping that the sleepy drone to his voice wasn't too overpowering.

"Well, I,was talking to Tony and he said that you two had gotten into an argument too. and I know you've had a lot on your mind lately but-"

"I'm fine." Steve grunted again, cutting Sams sentence short.

"You are just like a damn woman, always trying to lie their way out of these conversations. As lame as this sounds, I'm here for you man." Sam's voice sounded hopeful, and optimistic. Like if he kept being nice, Steve would just give up and spill all his feelings.

"Sam, I'm okay." Steve kept trying to shut down the continuing conversation, in hopes of maintaining his dignity and not crying his eyes out over the phone.

"Steve I know how much Bucky meant to you, I know damn well what it's like to loose a friend like that and-"

"You just don't get it, do you? If you and Natasha hadn't showed up that morning, he'd still be here! He wouldn't have left!" His voice cracked as he finished his sentence, and He growled in frustration as tears welled up in his eyes and threatened to spill over.

"Listen to me. I'm sorry about everything with Natasha that day, I'm sorry Bucky jumped out the window, oh by the way did you ever get that fixed? But now, there's no way to fix this unless you go and find him. He couldn't have gone far, he's got no money, a metal arm, and quite honestly he's probably scared and alone like a lost puppy." Sam chuckled. Steve cleared his throat, and let the few tears welled up in his eyes, fall before drying his face.

"Tony said he's not coming back..." He replied softly, thinking back to when he had brought him his bike.

God, I wish i'd punched that self centered prick.

"Man, what the hell does Tony know? Bucky is out there somewhere, and maybe the only reason he hasn't come back is cause he doesn't remember where your place is. You gotta find him Steve, you're not the helpless friend anymore. He is. And you've gotta show Bucky that you're there to help him get better."

"That's what I had been trying to do!! And then you two show up, Natasha went completely crazy, and now he's gone probably thinking that I hate him or something."

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