Night Terrors and Movie Days

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The frozen ground crackled around The Winter Solder as he took slow, careful footsteps into the icy forest which surrounded the assasin from all angles. He stopped and looked around, his goggles and mask helping to prevent him from needing to shut his eyes to protect them from the cold wind which blew through the snowy trees aggressively. His surroundings were primarily dark, cold and snowy, which was nothing strange to the Russian trained assassin. Although, he hadn't been around snow in a while. He took a few more cautious steps forward, the weight of his combat boots crushing dead leaves beneath them.

He stopped dead in his tracks when he heard a twig snap behind him. He jolted and turned his body in one swift move, ready to attack if needed. As he looked around, turning his head and body slowly, he started to see them. Although their suits were designed to blend in with their snowy surroundings, he was accustomed to the look. The HYDRA agents. They were here for him. He knew that the only way out would be to kill them all and run, which was just what he was prepared for. One of the agents came charging at him, the agents hands clasped firmly around his pistol. The Winter Soldier waited motionless with a small smirk dancing on his lips beneath his mask, until the agent was about a foot or so from him and he stopped and aimed at the metal armed killer. He smiled, and lunged at the fearful agent, snapping his neck in less than a second.

Another came up from behind, just as he was beginning to feel the rage and blood lust coarse through his veins like a red hot poison. He laid his hand on the real arm of the assassin, who then spun around and grabbed the agents wrist, and then the whole world shook as the assassin fell off the couch and slammed his head against the hardwood floor.

Bucky woke up with a panicked jolt and a loud grunt, just as a very startled Steve said softly, "Sorry! I didn't mean to scare you, but you were crying out in your sleep." Bucky groaned and sat up, glaring at the blanket which had wound itself around around legs and tied him up rather loosely.

"Don't touch me next time. I don't know what'll happen and I don't want to harm you." He grumbled softly, pushing himself up off the floor.

"It's fine Buck, you just had a nightmare. That's perfectly understandable based off all the crap you've been through." Steve said to him as he pulled the blanket back onto the couch.

"I don't want to hurt you." He said again, his voice remaining soft and quiet. Steve changed the subject, and Bucky had no objections.

"You want some breakfast?" He asked. Bucky just nodded while he continued to fix up his makeshift bed.

Steve began making breakfast, pancakes, eggs and bacon were what he said, and Bucky was trying to figure out how a DVD player worked. He had worked with many different forms of technology when he wasn't in cryogenic freezing when working for HYDRA, but movies were never something he had the pleasure of enjoying. He pressed buttons, seeing how it reacted when he pushed certain buttons. He pushed one button, and a tray came out with a circular indent. Bucky examined it closely and quizzically until he saw Steve make his way over.

"Wanna watch another movie? I have this, 'Frozen' one that Natasha says is good." Steve said, holding out the DVD to Bucky. He put in on top of the tray, and it fit perfectly into the indent. Steve pushed the same button which Bucky had pushed to open it. It closed, and Steve leaned down to turn on the TV and they bumped foreheads firmly. They both recoiled from the sudden thump, but they both began giggling like idiots. 

"Sorry, Buck!" They locked eyes and had an extremely intense stare, and during that time Bucky was able to notice every little detail about Steve's eyes. 

His beautiful... gorgeous... blue eyes.

Since when the hell were Steve's eyes so lovely to me?

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