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Bucky ran. He ran like hell was at his heels. And he kept running, he didn't know where he was going, where he wanted to go, and he wasn't even wearing shoes, but that didn't stop the frightened soldier. All Bucky knew was that he had to keep running. He had wiped the drying blood off of his face which left a discolored trail down his upper lip and chin. Bucky knew that Natasha was dangerous and know that she knew he was still alive, she would be back at some point to finish the job. She was not going to give up that easily, Bucky knew that for sure. He had run for about a mile or so, staying in the alleyways where he could keep hidden. He sprinted across small streets, at one point even having to leap over a dumpster.

"Hey kid!" He heard a gruff voice behind him he I flew through a dark alleyway. Bucky slowed to a stop, and turned his  head to see man sitting on the ground, a pile of blankets and trash on either side of him. He looked very raggedy, a long scraggly dirty beard, torn and dirty clothes, and very yellow, broken teeth which he smiled with.

"Sorry, but who are you?" Bucky questioned, reluctant to stop and speak to the man. The stranger laughed, a dry, near coughing sound.

"The names Barnsey." His name made Bucky think of his own  name, Barnes. "What're you runnin' from, kid?" He asked. Bucky slowly approached him, trying to hide his metal arm as best he could in a muscle shirt.

"Uh..... my past." He grumbled quietly, standing in front of the scraggly, smelly man with his left arm behind his back.

"Well, me too. C'mon kid!! Sit down." The stranger said to him, patting a spot beside him. Bucky was amazed by his acceptance of his strange appearance, and he sat beside him eager for someone to talk to who wasn't going to kill him.

"I'm Bucky, Bucky.... Barnes." He said finally.

"Well Bucky boy, you look cold. Here's a jacket you can have. Care to join me at the park? I usually get some nice ladies there on their way to work, they like to give some money." Barnsey said and Bucky smiled at the thought.

"Sure." He replied, standing up again and putting on the somewhat smelly leather jacket Barnsey had given him. Bucky lent him his real hand and helped the aging man up. As they walked, Bucky noticed that Barnsey's walk had a strange limp to it and so he asked him about it.

"I was in 'nam. Got shot in the hip, ain't never walked the same since then." He replied.

"What's 'nam'?" Bucky asked. He had never really been given a great deal of information, anything he learned when he was out of cyro he usually figured out for himself. He had heard of Nam before, but never really knew what it was. 

"Wow kid, you been livin' under a rock? The Vietnam War, ring a bell?" Barnsey asked, looking at the clueless soldier as though he was crazy.

"Oh..... right." Bucky nodded slowly.

"You're really not too in the loop, are ya Buck?" He said. Bucky shook his head. They walked in silence the rest of the way, the dirty looks from passerby's weren't something he was namely used to so it was a bit upsetting. He usually never received dirty looks, back in HYDRA when he did well he had always received gratified, or proud looks. Or angry shouts and beatings, it varied.

They arrived at the park, and Barnsey led him to the spot he usually sat. He would talk to occasional women who would walk by, and often times he was able to charm them out of some pocket change or a dollar. It was honestly remarkable how easily he could receive from the women. Bucky however, stayed quiet whenever someone approached and he always looked down, avoiding anyone's gaze. Barnsey began showing him how to speak to the women, and how to show them that we were merely hungry and only wanted food. But when he began attempting to speak to the women, many offered him a night at their home. Bucky denied all, because he didn't want to abandon the aging man the same way he had abandoned Steve. Plus, those women had no idea how bothersome he was when he slept at people's homes. Steve did though, and it upset him thinking that he had left him all alone.

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